

本篇代寫論文-績效管理系統講了首先,管理層必須爲變革做好準備。在組織中,存在着傳統的績效管理體系。Luxor首先應該爲變更管理做好準備,讓組織人力資源經理和績效管理人員評估現有績效管理體系的優缺點。必須對現有系統進行評審或審覈,並將評審和審覈結果傳達給員工。本篇代寫論文文章由澳洲第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Explanation of Creative and practical solutions

Change Management Preparations

Firstly, the management must prepare for the change. In the organization, a traditional performance management system existed. Luxor should first have prepared for change management by having the organization HR manager and performance management personnel to assess the pros and cons of the existing performance management system. A review or audit of existing system must have been conducted and the review and audit results should have been communicated to employees (Buchner, 2007). Employees should have been made fully aware of why their existing performance management system was not working. Possible actions into improvement such as the increased number of reviews should have been introduced as a matter of formulating solutions for the issues of existing performance management system. The employees should have been slowly steered into adopting the needed actions. A steering committee form of review could have been arranged with employee input into formulating solutions also being considered. Organization in doing so would hence have made the employees better acquainted with the change in performance management and would have induced both top down and bottom up collaborations in management for improving the performance management system.

Application of Theories

Once the issues of traditional system were identified, and if the need did point to more reviews within the year, such as the once in three year reviews such as companies like Seek, the next step was to assess if such an arrangement would fare well under theoretical scrutiny. There are many models and theories that could be applied in assessing the needed changes in performance management. Goal setting theory, the social cognition theory, and the self-determination theory are some of the few theories that are applicable for assessing and improving performance management systems (Buchner, 2007).

Goal setting theory for the employees of an organization will show employees how to establish goals as Luxcar employees do at the beginning of the year. By means of reviews, the employees would be able to either improve their performance or would be able to make changes to their goals to make them more realistic. In the case of the expectancy theory, on the other hand, the focus is on how employees would have to adjust their behaviour for meeting the goals. Here the focus is on how performance would be influenced by some anticipation of future goal. Now both theories will fit the situation of Luxcar. However, in the application of such theories, care should be taken to ensure that the theory-practice gap is well understood. Some solutions might work theoretically, but given the practical working culture of the organization, it might be difficult to implement. Now both theories do not call out for an optimal number of reviews. One too many reviews however need not be a bad thing if it would truly help in performance management. If the work environment of Luxor truly was a deterrent to frequent reviews, then it would be necessary to reduce the number of reviews. However, that decision could be taken after an attempt to implement a culture of efficient communication.
