








Internet access determinants could vary based on many factors. Many secondary research studies and primary industry reports on the trend highlight this point. It is the aim of this research to understand based on household surveys, how internet use and access determinants influence the people’s usages. The method used is a quantitative data collection and statistical analysis.
Firstly, an industry and secondary research data collection was prepared that focued both on secondary subject evidence on the investigation and also used graphs from Stata analysis of this work. The analysis methods are presented in detail, and the results from Stata graphs were evaluated.
The results indicate that household determinants does impact on the use/access of internet. The researcher documents that further research would be warranted to more strongly validate the identified causal relationship


Internet access in the last few years has been expanding at rapid pace. Countries even with low socio-economic growth are also seen to focus on expanding the internet infrastructure as studies on socio-economic growth factors and the use of the internet highlights. It is proven that internet determinants would not rest with socioeconomic factors alone even though these are the most-strong factors. Some others identified are demographic factors, and the regional factors etc. In the context of understanding these determinants, this research is conducted for the specific