

本篇代写论文一般多少钱-行为金融学讲了2013年的诺贝尔经济学奖有助于吸引媒体的注意力,同时也刺激了经济学家之间的讨论,以发现两个额外的原因(Ritter 2003)。首先,与资产价格相关的行为寻求每一个投资者的利益,包括每一个为退休而储蓄的人,可以确定为金融服务业的核心关注点。其次,获奖者成功地以一种截然不同的方式解释了资产价格的变动。本篇代写论文一般多少钱文章由澳洲第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The prize of 2013 helped in attracting the attention of media, while resulting in the stimulation of discussion across the economists, in order to perceive two extra reasons (Ritter 2003). Firstly, the behaviour related to asset prices seek the interest of each and every investor that include each and every saving for the purpose of retirement, and can be identified as a core concern for the industry of financial service. Secondly, the laureates have been successful in interpreting movements of asset price in an extremely different way. Robert Shriller is well known for the writing on bubbles of asset price and the statements of public that ended up stocking in later period of 1990s along with houses in the mid period of 2000s, and ended up becoming overvalued due to these kinds of bubbles (Shiller 2014). Eugene Fama can be considered as skeptical regarding the term that bubble is a useful or well- defined one. In the broader sense, Fama holds the belief that movements of asset prices have to be understood by the use of economic models with the involvement of rational investors. On the other hand, the opinion of Shiller is different. It is intuited that the hyper- negative response of the people end up leading towards loss aversion or potential loss as mentioned in the perception of Prospect Theory. Put simply, losses end up looming larger in comparison with gains of equal size (Flifel 2012). When speaking in terms of psychology, the pain of loss at the value of 100 dollars is almost twice as more than the pleasure to win the same value. Due to this particular reason, majority of the individuals are well prepared for entering a 50: 50 gamble to lose an amount of 100 dollars, only if there is scope of winning a minimum of 200 dollars. Aversion of loss can be considered as a fundamental element to be human, and one cannot be alone.

M. Keith Chen, the Yale economist had been seen doing some ingenious experiments of preference with capuchin monkeys with a piece of apple (Blaug 1999). They ended up getting these in a number of different ways, however, which ended up affecting the preferences of monkeys. Psychologists hold the speculation that aversion of loss tends to make sense with respect to survival and evolution, better for being cautious, and providing that there is a risk for confrontation. No matter what the origin is aversion of loss end up affecting a number of decisions that include consideration of finance (Bloomfield 2002). As a significant example, individuals hold the tendency to lose stocks for a longer period of time. For the sale of losing stock, it can be considered as extremely unpalatable as it ends up bringing the reality behind loss. From the other perspective, individuals tend to initiate the sale of winning stocks too soon as the act to sell a winning stock will help in the realization of gain, and this helps in providing some pressure.
