


和其他旅游公司一样,这家公司也面临着该地区经济问题的冲击。他们被发现依赖于季节性游客。该地区的淡季在7月到9月之间(Ivanov & Ivanova, 2013)。这个地区的工资相当低。在某些季节,游客大量涌入,在这段时间很难维持几个月的资源和雇佣兼职员工。所有这些都会影响公司的经济效益。在某些时期的资源管理中存在着一个普遍的问题。

到当地旅游的游客倾向于把当地土著人视为原始,或者公然赞扬他们的努力。参观这个地方的游客倾向于以这两种方式光顾当地居民。这个地方缺乏文化意识。生态旅游被旅游者认为是一种原始甚至世俗的旅游形式(Zhou et al., 2013)。这是因为缺乏对这个地方和当地居民的认识。在许多情况下,在该地区经营的较大公司也有影响。这使得规模较小的家族企业如月球捞月者受到游客和该地区经营规模较大的企业的影响(月球捞月者,2016)。大量的消费和游客意识的缺乏是一个主要的问题。游客这种异想天开的态度可以在未来带来可持续性。

虽然有很多关于生态旅游的花言巧语和过分热情的宣传,但该地区的公司仍然作为不同的商业单位在运营。这个流行语并没有真正超越到运营中(Packer, Ballantyne, & Hughes, 2014)。这本身就导致公司在其过程中没有方向。没有真正的整合努力作为一个当地社区来促进业务(Moonrakers, 2016)。该地区的人民需要增进友好,团结一致,这是该地区所缺少的。这可能导致可持续性问题。对当地人缺乏了解也是另一个问题。


Like other tourism companies, this company faces the brunt of the issues of economics in the area. They are found to be dependent on the seasonal tourists. The off seasons are between July to September in this area (Ivanov & Ivanova, 2013). It is considerably low paying in this area. During certain seasons, there is high influx of tourist and it is difficult to maintain resources for some months and hire part time employees during these times. All of this affects the economics of the company. There is a general issue in the management of resources during certain times.
The tourists who visit the place tend to treat the local indigenous people as being primitive or they overtly praise their efforts. The tourists who visit the place tend to patronize the local inhabitants in these two ways. There is a lack of cultural awareness of the place. Eco tourism is considered to be a form of tourism that is primitive and even mundane by the tourist (Zhou et al., 2013). This is because of the lack of awareness of the place and the local inhabitants. In many cases, there have been influences of the larger companies operating in the region. This causes the smaller operated family business like Moon Rakers to be influenced by the impact of the tourists and the bigger companies operating the region (Moonrakers, 2016). There are high levels of mass consumerization and lack of awareness of the tourists that is primarily a cause of concern. This whimsical attitude of the tourist can cause sustainability in the future.
There is a lot of rhetoric and overzealous promotions of eco-tourism but still the companies in the area are operating as different unites of business. This buzzword is not really transcended into operations (Packer, Ballantyne, & Hughes, 2014). This in itself causes the companies not to have a direction in their process. There are no real integrated efforts of working as a local community to promote the business (Moonrakers, 2016). The people in the area need to foster friendliness and work as one unit that is missing in the region. This can cause sustainability issues. Lack of awareness of the locals is also another issue.