代写thesis 研究和研究设计



Types of research and research design:
Qualitative research is a way of questioning and indirectly encouraging participants to project their motivations, beliefs, attitudes or underlying feelings regarding topics of interest. In interpreting the behavior of other participants indirectly, the participants are projecting their own motivations, beliefs, attitudes or feelings in the situation. The techniques of this research are:
• Technical Association project in which a stimulus is presented to the participant and asked to answer the first thing that comes to mind.
• Construction technique in which participants must construct a response in the form of story, dialogue or description.
• Expression technique in which the participant is presented a verbal or visual situation and asked to relate the feelings and attitudes of others with the situation.
• Supplementation participants are requested to supplement an incomplete stimulus situation.
Analyzing the data collected is important for drawing the inference. Whether the data is reliable or not needs to be determined properly. In order to ensure this, only credible people should be involved in the research.
In order to understand the concept of research, the topic, ‘Societal perceptions of same sex marriages’ has been chosen here. The three research questions for this topic are:
• What do people think of same sex marriages?
• What is the impact of societal perceptions on same sex couples?
• What are the future prospects of same sex marriages from a societal point of view?
The means of data collection used for the first question is survey questionnaire. The participants can be asked questions which reflect upon their perceptions about same sex marriages. A huge variety of people should be chosen in order to get diverse data. This will ensure credibility. The second and the third questions need to involve interview sessions where conversations on the topic can shed light on perspectives. The issues of reliability and validity can be handled by choosing the appropriate participants who are not dubious.













