

企业对可持续性的普遍趋势和利用在工业部门的各个阶段都很明显。然而,其中涉及到共同的潜在需求和想法。这涉及到超越个人需要、限制边界和时间的考虑和行动的关键需要。此外,可以通过增加不确定性、速度和复杂性来加强当前社会、经济和环境系统的关键状态。然而,不管可持续性的趋势和流行程度如何,国际可持续发展的进展需求很少得到管理(Bagheri和Hjorth, 2007)。


The widespread trendiness and utilization of sustainability by businesses are evident in all phases of industrial sectors. Nevertheless, there are common underlying needs and ideas involved. This involves a crucial need of considering and acting beyond individual needs, restricted borders and time. In addition, the crucial state of current social, economic and environmental system can be reinforced through increased uncertainty, velocity and complexity. However, irrespective of trendiness and popularity of sustainability, there is rare management of progressed requirement for international sustainable development (Bagheri and Hjorth, 2007).


系统思维可以被看作是一种跨学科的方法,以看到相互关系而不是因素。这包括考虑更改模式而不是静态透视图。因此,这种方法有助于用各自同时的模式行为来构建一个问题,而不是针对特定的事件。不是微观的知觉,而是考虑宏观的知觉来观察内在关系的细节。在当今时代,这被实践者和学术评论家用来应对可持续发展的挑战(Maani和Bosch, 2012)。这就形成了关于商业问题的技术官僚观点的缩影。


Systems thinking can be referred as a trans-disciplinary approach to see interrelationships instead of factors. This includes the consideration of change patterns instead of static perspective. Therefore, the approach helps in framing an issue with respective simultaneously patterned behaviour, rather than on specific events. Rather than microscopic perceptions, there is consideration of macroscopic perceptions to see details with respect to the embedded relationships. In the current era, this is used by practitioners and academic reviewers for addressing the challenges of sustainability (Maani and Bosch, 2012). This allows the epitomized essential technocratic perceptions regarding business issues.
