




The theme of race has been greatly explored in Samson and Delilah in the manner that both the Rudd and Howard governments claimed that the major aim of their intervention was to ensure that the Aboriginal children are saved from any form of sexual abuse and other problems that could be created through substance abuse and alcoholism. The effects of colonialism are quite evident in this case since that was not the aim of such governments because the genuine reason why they did such actions was aimed at ensuring that the Aboriginal Welfare rights were axed through income management. The actual purpose of the governments was to ensure that the unviable “remote indigenous communities” were broken up and also ensure that maximum government control was imposed on indigenous land on behalf of not only agribusinesses but also of the mining corporations as well. The effects of colonialism can also be reflected in the manner that punitive measures are enforced to punish the population such as suspending of the “Racial Discrimination Act” as well as the violation of the global or international human rights conventions.
The theme of effects of colonialism is quite evident in Samson and Delilah through the provision of damning social portraits. It also presents a strong antidote towards the sensationalized and lurid media reportage regarding the nightmarish and harsh conditions that the Aboriginal communities dwell in. The impacts of colonialism are quite evident in the slanderous claims that are made by the Rudd Government as well as the State authorities which say that the Aboriginal individuals are actually to blame for the problems that are facing them (Gearing, 2010, p.45). The impacts of colonialism in the film are quite evident because of the “repressing colonial violence” that has made the “indigenous experiences of belonging” not become well appropriated or assimilated through western expectations and frameworks but instead to become represented on own terms. It can genuinely be asserted that Samson and Delilah is a postcolonial film that is heavily grounded or based on an indigenous sense of belonging but ensures that it is also inclusive at the same time.



玛丽卡·莫瑟夫(Marika Moisseeff)是法国的一名成人和儿童理疗师,也是一名人种学家。她认为,殖民的直接影响之一是,原住民社区丧失了政治和经济自治权,而原住民社区已经被高度主导的文化所包涵。参孙和黛利拉所产生的其他明显影响是,他们努力维持身份模式,使土著居民能够继续为年轻一代发挥“有效的发起者”的作用。

Through the use of colonialism as a theme, the film Samson and Delilah effectively pulls the audience on ground with a big thud. This is because of its ability of dismantling the notions of both the strengths and weaknesses that are linked with the Indignity representations that have been entrenched in the colonial discourses. Indeed, the film is not just about a love story but rather, it is also about the legacy of a “colonial project”. The impact of colonialism in the film is further exhibited through the assimilation policies. The assimilation policies ensured that most of the Aboriginal children, especially those from the half-caste were removed from their communities and families and deported in other special reservation sites. This led to them being deprived from several civic rights such as free circulation and voting.
According to Marika Moisseeff, a French Physiatrist for both adults and children and an ethnologist, it is argued that one of the direct impacts of colonization was the loss of both political and economic autonomy by the Aboriginal communities who had became encapsulated in the highly dominant culture. Other visible impacts that emerge from Samson and Delilah were the struggle to maintain models of identity that could allow the Aboriginals to continue playing the role of “efficient initiators” for younger generations.