

20世纪90年代的大部分时间见证了中产阶级社会的出现及其在政治层面上的重要性,最终导致这个社会阶层影响了泰国、马来西亚和印度尼西亚的重大政治、经济和社会改革(Kim, 1995)。1997年的经济危机阻止了这种快速的经济增长。优柔寡断的资本主义和投机性极强的金融市场,是这一暂时停摆背后的主要因素。这种增长很快就恢复了,老挝等较贫穷的国家也开始参与到经济变革中来。这一增长速度和积极的意愿表明,一些东南亚国家在21世纪一定会努力效仿发达国家的模式。

学者和专家研究并注意到这一地区发生了几次巨大的社会变化。这些发现具有很大的影响力和重要性。大多数变化与农业问题和复杂性有关。东南亚社会历来欢迎一些发展战略。有些是进化的,有些是革命性的。然而,无论是马克思主义理论还是相对剥夺理论,都不能很好地解释这种革命背后的原因。农民的不满可能导致农民的反叛。当他们的最低规范期望没有得到适当满足时,这种不满就会生根发芽(Scott, 1977)。市场资本主义和殖民国家的拙劣做法是造成这种现象的主要原因。对立在日常生活中复杂地表现出来。农民信任从国家转移的主要原因是政治、社会和语言行为维度的变化。这些变化可以成功地将自己与社会冲突和反感的深度联系起来。东南亚国家在妇女社会地位上与东亚或南亚国家有明显的不同。妇女在东南亚社会中具有较高的地位。在17、18世纪,女性不得不面对社会和文化强加给她们的各种各样的主要障碍。但是,民主理论的出现和不同部门的大量增长已经改变了这种情况。她们摆脱了女性家庭生活的观念和父权社会的残酷束缚。社会制度和妇女地位的迅速变化使学者和观察家感到惊讶。目前,妇女人口参与现代化社会的各个领域,无论是教育、工业、经济、就业还是社会文化。文化多元化的情景也发生了变化。在殖民主义和帝国主义时期,东南亚社会更容易吸收外来的文化思想和实践。但是,资本主义的终结使这个地区的人民得以回归到他们的本土文化体系。这些制度成功地实现了其他文化的一些积极趋势,但它们从来没有失去原有的本质。

Most of the 1990s witnessed the emergence of middle-class society and their importance in the political dimension which eventually led this class of the society to influence major political, economic and social reforms in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia (Kim, 1995). The economic crisis of 1997 halted this rapid economic growth. Indecisive capitalism and hugely speculative financial markets are the major factors behind this temporary stoppage. This growth resumed soon, and it witnessed poorer countries like Laos coming forward to participate in the economic change. The rate of growth and the positive intentions suggest that several Southeast Asian countries will surely try to follow the model of the developed countries in the light of the 21st century.
Scholars and experts have researched and noted several huge sociological changes in this region. The findings are greatly influential and important. Most of the changes are related to agricultural issues and complications. The Southeast Asian societies have welcomed a number of developmental strategies historically. Some of them are evolutionary and some are revolutionary. However, neither the Marxist theory nor the relative deprivation theory can successfully address the proper causes behind such revolution. Peasant’s rebel may occur due to their dissatisfaction. This dissatisfaction takes root when their minimal normative expectations are not properly met (Scott, 1977). Market capitalism and poor approaches of the colonial states are the main reasons behind such occurrence. Antagonisms are complicatedly displayed in the everyday life. The main reasons behind the shift of trust from the state on the part of the peasants are changes made in political, social, and linguistic behavioral dimension. These changes can successfully relate themselves to social conflict, and the depth of the antipathy. Southeast Asian countries are distinct from the East Asian or the South Asian countries regarding the status of women in the society. Women are endowed with a relatively high status in the Southeast Asian societies. In the 17th and 18th century, the women had to face many various major obstacles enforced by the society and the culture. But, the advent of democracy theory and the substantial growth in different sectors have changed the scenario. They are now free from the concepts of female domesticity and the cruel clutches of the patriarchal society. These rapid changes in the social system and the status of the women have surprised the scholars and the observers. At present, the women population takes part in all sectors of the modernized society, be it the education, industry, economy, employment, or social culture. The cultural pluralism scenario has also changed. In the era of colonialism and imperialism, the Southeast Asian societies were more prone to absorb the cultural ideas and practices from elsewhere. But, the end of capitalism allowed the people of this region to revert back to their indigenous cultural systems. These systems have successfully implemented some positive trends of other cultures, but they have never lost the original essence.

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