essay 代寫-環境問題的主要因素


本篇essay 代寫-環境問題的主要因素讲了人們生活方式的改變是環境壓力如此之大的原因。富裕階層的生活方式不僅對環境和資源造成了壓力,而且使窮人更窮。這是因爲這些資源不僅被富裕階層用於生產,而且最終也被他們用來使其餘的人處於同樣的貧困狀態(Tinsley, 2001)。世界上的富人和富裕階層遵循一種普通人不遵循的生活方式。本篇essay 代寫由澳洲第一論文 Assignment First輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Therefore, one can say that the change in the lifestyle of people is the reason why the environment is under so much stress. The lifestyle of the affluent class is causing a stress on not only the environment and the resources as whole but is also making the poor poorer. This is because the resources are not only used for production by the affluent class but is also ultimately used by them keeping the rest of the people in the same deprived state (Tinsley, 2001). The rich and the affluent class of the world follow certain kind of lifestyle which is not followed by the common man. According to the BBC News, if people all over the world consumed resource and energy as much as the affluent most class of the world, people of the United States of America falling mostly in the said category, to sustain the number of people present in USA itself would need at least 4 Earths with all kinds of resources as the current one. Some of the countries and the number of earths that they would require if resources are used like the affluent class have been mentioned further, ‘Kuwait comes top with 8.9 global hectares (5.1 Earths), followed by Australia (4.8 Earths), the United Arab Emirates (4.7 Earths) and Qatar (4.0 Earths). The others in the top 10 are Canada, Sweden, Bahrain, Trinidad and Tobago, and Singapore. The UK is 32nd on the list (2.4 Earths’. Thus the number of earth that the current population of the world would require is not only beyond assumption or calculation, it is also beyond reality.

Thus one cannot exactly pin point the number of earths that would currently sustain the affluent class. Nor it can be calculated what would happen if the whole of the earth’s population live the same way. All that can be understood is that there are major environmental problems going on currently. It might just render the current and present sources of resources insufficient for the current generation(Traer, 2009).

The root cause cannot be pinpointed but the major factors that are the cause of major environment problems on earth are excessive use of the current natural resources and excessive waste production by the current population which cannot successfully disposed.
