essay代写:Vphone 11的价值原则和竞争优势

essay代写:Vphone 11的价值原则和竞争优势

组织通常遵循三个关键的价值原则。这些是产品领导、客户关系和卓越的运营(Teece 2010)。Vphone 11公司更倾向于产品领先的价值纪律。在这一原则下,公司专注于提供服务和产品,在产品的应用和使用方面为客户持续提升价值。然而,公司在产品领先方面仍然缺乏竞争力。为了取得成功,Vphone 11的公司需要考虑推动一个特定价值学科的边界,那就是产品领导,但它也应该满足行业的标准。与竞争对手相比,这对于公司获得特定的领先优势至关重要(Pentland 2012)。Vphone 11的领导者应该进一步关注计算机平台、管理系统、业务流程和组织文化的一致性。这将增强Vphone 11关于客户的知识,同时提供一个重要的跟进范围。

essay代写:Vphone 11的价值原则和竞争优势

Vphone 11是由MediaSpark公司(Jarratt & Stiles 2010)发布和开发的一款手机,该公司生产的手机带有许多教育模拟和电脑游戏。Vphone 11的第一部手机是在2000年推出的,从那以后,其他一些手机也陆续推出。Vphone 11的手机型号将为手机提供以金钱和商业为主题的游戏。这些手机的设计目的是为学习者提供现实的经验与一些金融主题和业务流程(麦金农2010)。Vphone 11提供了最广泛使用的手机模型与原始系列的模拟和教育游戏在全球各地。自从十多年的制造业,Vphone 11提供了一个合适的代表,未来的学习是社会和经验。

essay代写:Vphone 11的价值原则和竞争优势

There are three key value disciplines followed by organizations, in general. These are product leadership, customer intimacy and operational excellence (Teece 2010). The company of Vphone 11 is more inclined to the value discipline of product leadership. Under this discipline, the company focuses to offer services and products with the consistent enhancement of value for the customers in terms of the application and use of the product. However, the company still lacks competence for excelling in the product leadership. In order to be successful, the company of Vphone 11 needs to consider pushing the borders of one specific value discipline that is product leadership, but it should also meet the standards of the industry. This will be crucial for the company in gaining a specific lead in comparison with the competitors (Pentland 2012). The leaders of Vphone 11 should be further focusing upon the alignment of computer platforms, management systems, business processes and organizational culture. This will enhance the knowledge of Vphone 11 about the customer while providing a significant scope of follow through.

essay代写:Vphone 11的价值原则和竞争优势

Vphone 11 is the company manufacturing phones with a number of educational simulations and computer games published and developed by the company, MediaSpark Inc (Jarratt & Stiles 2010). The first phone of Vphone 11 was launched in the year 2000 and since then, a number of others have been launched as well. The phone models of Vphone 11 will provide phones with games under the theme of money and business subjects. These phones have been designed for providing realistic experiences to learners with a number of financial topics and business processes (McKinnon 2010). Vphone 11 provides the most widely utilized phone models with the original series of simulations and educational games across the globe. Since more than a decade of manufacturing, Vphone 11 provides an apt representation for the future of learning that is social and experiential.
