
by | 15-Jun-2020 | 澳洲代写

今天为大家分享一篇优秀的论文范文-essay代写:薪酬制度。本文讲述的是基于个人绩效的薪酬制度是一种既有优点也有缺点的制度。当考虑到这些优势时,很明显,这样的系统在激励员工方面起到了很大的作用(Ljungholm, 2015)。有了足够的激励,就有能力以积极的方式影响员工。这反过来又有助于提高组织绩效(Ljungholm, 2015)。然而,在rust业务中,IPRP有时并不有利,特别是因为在这种环境中需要一种不同类型的动机。在考虑实施该系统时也存在一些挑战,如来自员工的抵制(Tsai, 2016)。最合适的替代方法是基于时间和开发。


基于技能的薪酬是这里提到的另一种方法。这是一个薪酬提升与员工获得的技能数量和技能深度相联系的系统,它是在工作员工之间广泛和深入发展技能essay代写的一种手段(Bregn, 2013)。这些增长是在员工工资普遍增长的基础上产生的。薪酬的提高通常与横向技能、纵深技能和纵向技能三种技能有关。当涉及到实施的时候就好多了,因为没有关于需要建立的技能的设定目标(Gittleman, 2014)。唯一的要求是确保通过培训机会巩固这些技能。这是系统成功的关键。此外,技能发展反过来也会从整体上帮助组织。这一点在员工个人的进步中很明显。这种改进导致更高的组织绩效和生产力(Hasnain et al., 2012)。这里涉及的风险较少,因为不涉及特定的技能。它只需要获得技能,并以正确的方式实现。


Skill based pay is an alternative approach that has been referred here. It is a system wherein pay enhancement is connected to the number of skills acquired and depth of skill acquired through an employees and it is a means to develop skills broadly and deeply between the working employees (Bregn, 2013). These increases come additionally to general increase of employees in pay. The pay enhancement is connected usually to 3 kinds of skills inclusive of horizontal, depth and vertical skills. It is much better when it comes to implementation essay代写because there are no set objectives regarding skills which need to be established (Gittleman, 2014). The only requirement lies in ensuring that the skills are underpinned through training opportunities. This is essential for system success. Also, skills development in turn helps the organization on the whole. This is obviously evident when employees individually improve. This improvement leads towards higher organizational performance and productivity (Hasnain et al., 2012). The risks involved here are less as there are no specific skills involved. It just requires acquisition of skill and its implementation in the right manner.


This report is of the conclusion that the individual performance related pay based system is a system that offers as many advantages as it offers the disadvantages. When taking into consideration of the advantages, it becomes evident that such a system helps in motivating the employees considerably (Ljungholm, 2015). With considerable motivation comes forward the ability of influencing the employees in a positive manner. This in turn helps in improving organization performance (Ljungholm, 2015). Within rust businesses, however, essay代写IPRP at times is not beneficial especially because a different type of motivation is required within such environments. There also exist several challenges when considering implementation of this system such as resistance from employees (Tsai, 2016). The most appropriate reward technique alternative to this one will be inclusive of time based and development based.
