

Petitto和Marentette的研究表明,婴儿的咿呀学语是一种语言现象,这是未来语言发展的指标。在口语生产中存在着发音器官的成熟。这种咿呀学语是将来说话的标志。在失聪的儿童中,当他们接触到手语(Petitto和Marentette 1493)时,他们也很普遍。手工和声音的咿呀学语有相似之处。这表明,babbling是一种迹象,表明由amodal,基于大脑的语言在成熟控制下完成的工作。与其他的说法形成了可怕的对比,这种胡言乱语的神经学基础不是基于语言的个体发生(Petitto和Marentette 1493)。



Petitto and Marentette research states that the babbling which are found to be infants is a speech-based phenomenon, and these are indicators for future language development. There is maturation of the articulatory apparatus that are present in the spoken language production. This babbling is an indication of future speech. Manual babbling is also prevalent in deaf children when they are exposed to the signed languages (Petitto and Marentette 1493). There are similarities for the manual and vocal babbling. These indicate that the babbling is an indication of the works done by the amodal, brain-based languages that are under the maturation control. In dire contrast to the other accounts, the neurological basis for the act of babbling is not based on language ontogeny (Petitto and Marentette 1493).

The speech modality cannot be determined from the babbling act of infants. Babbling is considered to be an abstract linguistic structure of the language that are an expression of the capacity that is capable of the processes in the different kinds of signals. These can be spoken or sign languages. In spite of the early language development of these signals, they vary based on the phonetics of each location and the speech patterns of the people. This research is significant as it explains about the formation of the language. The limitation of the sign language development is probed in the following.
