

椭圆曲线密码体制的影响不仅限于口腔也影响孩子的健康和幸福,在完成早期童年。贫困可以被认为是导致新西兰贫困儿童早期龋齿发展的主要决定因素。Ecc也是儿童肥胖属于那些家庭生活通过风险的常见因素地位较低的社会经济的考虑,尤其是在相关。父母收入低影响的受教育程度、父母的健康,他们的生活方式和健康保健的信息访问,因此进一步提高儿童能力实现ECC(哈利特et al,2003)。根据澳大利亚卫生部(2014)所做的一项研究,据报道,高收入与儿童龋齿患病率成正比。一个显着的相关性,也发现盛行龋齿患病率和较低的社会经济地位。
此外,母亲是主要的儿童照顾者和母亲的教育程度低,直接关系到儿童龋齿的高患病率。不当的性质如喂养通过瓶1年或延长母乳喂养,把孩子睡瓶后喂养方式都是负责增加乳牙接触碳水化合物发酵(哈利特et al,2003)。这反过来又增加后促进不仅初始口服突变体定植也增加了微生物的数量在牙齿和口腔的唾液。这反过来增加了患ECC。此外,细菌的传播通常是通过他们的母亲自己的孩子在最初的2年的生活。这2个时期的窗口称为学龄前儿童谁是感染期窗口。一旦这些细菌的传播,ECC更严重的是孩子的牙列。根据系统评价进行由Parisher等人(2013)描述了一个母亲的母乳喂养和ECC提示条件之间的关系,有直接的关系有。这说明婴儿喂养对孩子的影响是确定的。


The ECC impact is not limited to oral cavity but it also influences the complete health and well-being of a child in early childhood years. Poverty can be considered as the main determinant that leads to early childhood caries development in New Zealand based children living under poverty. ECC is also related to children obesity belonging to those families that live under lower status of socio-economic considerations especially through common factors of risk. Low income of parents influences the education degree, the health of parents, their living style and health care information access and therefore further enhances the capability in children to get ECC (Hallett et al, 2003). According to a study conducted by Australian Health department (2014), it was evidently reported that high income is indirectly proportional to caries prevalence amongst children. A significant correlation statistically was also found to prevail between prevalence of caries and lower status of socio-economy.
Also, mothers are the main child related caregivers and low education of the mother is directly related to high prevalence of caries amongst children. The feeding patterns of improper nature such as feeding through bottle after 1 year or prolonged breast feeding and putting children to sleep with bottles are all responsible for increasing the primary teeth exposure to carbohydrates fermentable (Hallett et al, 2003). This in turn increases the likeliness of promoting not only initial oral mutants colonization but also increasing the microorganism’s number in the teeth and mouth saliva. This in turn increases the risk to develop ECC. Furthermore, the bacteria’s are transmitted usually to the children through their mothers itself in the initial 2 years of child’s life. This 2 period window is termed as infectivity period window in children who are pre-schoolers. As soon as these bacteria’s get transmitted, the ECC becomes even more severe in dentition primarily for children. According to a systematic review conducted by Parisher et al (2013) depicted that there is a relationship between mother’s breast feeding and the condition of ECC which suggests that there is a direct relationship. This depicts that the infant feeding influence on children is definite.
