




This statement is true and agreed because theories of accounts are developed on the basis of actual events so reality is present. In other sciences some of the theories are developed on the basis of perceived and future statistics while the theories of accounts are based on actual and current events. Accounting captures all aspects of the image that are viewed as the positive and negative sides of the image. Different images in accounts provide all kinds of perspectives for the accounting practices. In reality the communication present in the form of accounting information is on the basis of present and future values so they cannot be contradicted. These developments are present for the theories of accounting and statement of Haines can be proved right. The sharing of the information among different segments of the society as explained above is on the basis of right information because decision making is dependent on that information. To maintain equality and good relations within these segments the information provided should be consistent, reliable, neutral and objective. If the information is not reliable and consistent then decision making will not be correct and in society it is important that the decision making should be based on the true facts and events (Kenyes, 2014). It can be concluded that the theories of this science have evolved with the basis of time because they are based on actual events rather than expectations. Loopholes in current theories are filled with the help of technological advancements and changes in these theories. All in all the statement of Hines is accepted and is correct.
It can be concluded that accounting is more than an art than science and this art needs to be based on true facts and events. Both questions asked in the essay have been proved correct and explanations have been provided that prove these statements to be correct. Accounting is based on the communications and different channels of communication that are present within the different segments of the society. This was proved in second section of the essay that explained about the realistic approach of the information present in accounting information. If real communication of information is not be present then biasness will come in the way of decision making and this will not be beneficial for the society. In this way effective decisions will not be made. In society it is important that proper allocation of the resources need to be conducted and for this proper and true information is required that is based on reality. Information needs to be objective because of the demands of the stakeholders that are linked with the company. All in all this essay discussed about various aspects of accounting and it can be easily concluded that all types of information present in accounting are based on true facts and events and the communication conducted with accounting information is equal to reality.