



Personal networking development as already indicated is a crucial component for enhancing personal branding. There are several generic skills required for being applied to develop the networking of personality (Harris et al 2011). These skills are either explicit in nature or implicit in nature and are inclusive of communication, objectives being set, questioning, management of time, management of information, information presentation, persuasion and influence, reflection, to learn, evaluate and management risk. It is very important to acknowledge that for developing one’s personal networking it is essential for a person to pass the criteria of performance inclusive of the following steps:
 Development and maintenance of contacts in the network personally because they is appropriately needed for meeting the requirements currently and in future with respect to gathering information and obtaining resources from wherever in the network there is availability
 Ensuring that the personal network is constituted of important members who have proper knowledgeable idea, understanding, capabilities, varied skills as well as they have appropriate experience in terms of being aware about the networking benefits.
 Establishing confidentiality boundaries between oneself and personal networks members wherever it is necessary along with development of guidelines to exchange information along with gaining adequate resources
 Making information to be used actively and gaining resources from the available personal networking
 Introducing members and new organizations having the same interests in the personal network (Harris et al 2011)
It becomes crucial further to enhance personal networking by development of behavior especially when working as a script developer and these will be inclusive of the following behaviors:
 Acknowledgement of personal interest conflict with general objectives
 Stating the individual position for oneself and viewing evidently the situation under conflict
 Encouraging others as well for sharing information with respect to terms of confidentiality and constraints of privacy
 Identifying and working with individuals and organizations who are also involved with development of script as this will lead towards enhancement of strong networking skills
 Working for development of an environment where professionalism prospers and where everyone works to support the others to gain mutual advantage
 Clarification of individual and relational expectations in order to highlight the main objectives that involved team members are looking to gain.
 Modeling behavior by showing respect, help and cooperative framework
 Keeping up the promises made and honoring the commitments that were made while developing personal networking
 Considering the individual actions influence on the group so that actions can be measured in accordance to their effect
 Reflecting consistently on individual experiences and using the same for informing actions in future
