

海洋污染是对水体的污染,导致水体失去营养价值和沉积质量,给海洋生态系统带来可持续性问题(Frynas, 2012)。陆地污染也影响着海洋和海岸的生态系统。这最终会对健康有害,也会影响当地的商业。造成污染的原因有很多,例如来自陆地的沉积物、营养物质和来自进一步破坏沿岸珊瑚礁的农药污染。

对这种污染贡献最大的工业是近海钻探工业和石油泄漏。这些泄漏造成了巨大的破坏,导致12%的石油进入我们的海洋。平均来看,这种程度的污染每年都在稳步增加。根据美国国家研究委员会(National Research Council)进行的一项研究,36%的污染来自城市和工业的废弃物和废水。除了这些肥料,80%的城市污水和有毒工业废水是海洋生态系统污染的主要原因(Frynas, 2012)。主要污染是由于该地区的生产制造企业。如果他们有一个更全面的政策,这是可以避免的。


在澳大利亚,它们遵循IMO(国际海事组织)公约和AMSA在1990年《澳大利亚海事安全局法案》(Bos, Pressey, and Stoeckl, 2015)第6(1)(a)条中规定的职能。研究发现,澳大利亚海洋环境管理局与若干国家的污染预防工作协调一致,并制订了一项反应战略,以保护澳大利亚的海洋环境免受工业活动造成的污染。公司必须遵守一些强制性的规章制度。除此之外,企业还会加大企业社会责任方面的努力,以确保流程具有道德品牌。

公司有必要开发更多的活动,以减少浪费和他们的碳足迹。在执行方面有一些差距。在追求利润最大化的过程中,公司往往忽略了其他重要的变量。这个变量给公司和环境带来了一系列的负面影响。企业需要一个更全面的战略来恢复环境(Bos, Pressey, and Stoeckl, 2015)。实证研究数据得出的结论是,公司应该采取更多的努力来解决这一需求。



Marine pollution is the pollution of the sea water bodies, which causes the water to lose its nutritional values and sedimentation quality, causing sustainability issues to the marine ecosystem (Frynas, 2012). The land based pollution also affects ocean and coast’s eco system. This eventually becomes detrimental to the health and also affects the commerce of the place. There are many causes of pollution, such as land-based sources of sediment, nutrient and pesticide pollution from further damaging in-shore reefs.
Industries that contribute most to this pollution are the drilling off shore industries and the oil spills. These spills account for huge damage and cause 12% of the oil entering our seas. On an average in each year there has been a steady increase in this level of pollution. According to a study undertaken by the US National Research Council, it was observed that 36% of pollution was due to waste and run-off effluents from cities and industry. Apart from these fertilizers, 80% of the urban sewage and Toxic industrial effluents are the major causes of pollution in the marine ecosystem (Frynas, 2012). Major pollution is because of the production and manufacturing companies in the region. If they have had a policy that is more comprehensive this can be avoided.
Retrospection and reflection of the CSR activities
In Australia, they follow the IMO (International Maritime organization) Conventions and AMSA’s functions specified in Section 6(1)(a) of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority Act 1990 (Bos, Pressey, and Stoeckl, 2015). It has been found that the AMSA coordinates with a number of national pollution prevention and also has created a response strategy to protect Australia’s marine environment from pollution caused by industrial activities. There are a number of mandated rules and regulations to be followed by the companies. Apart from this, the companies increase their CSR efforts to ensure that they have ethical branding of the processes.
There is a need for the companies to develop more activities in order to reduce the waste and their carbon foot print. There are some gaps in implementation. In an effort to maximize profits, companies tend to overlook the other important variables. This variable causes a number of negative impacts to the company and the environment. There is a need for a more holistic strategy for the companies to restore the environment (Bos, Pressey, and Stoeckl, 2015). Empirical research data concludes that there should be more efforts undertaken by the company to address this need.
I feel that the companies in an effort to maximize profits forget about other stockholders and this would cause long-term damage to the environment.
