留学 论文代写:夏洛特网络叙事中的修辞学

留学 论文代写:《夏洛特的网》叙事中的修辞学


留学 论文代写:夏洛特网络叙事中的修辞学


留学 论文代写:夏洛特网络叙事中的修辞学

Charlotte’s Web is about the story of a pig named Wilbur and his friend Charlotte, a spider who lives in the barn owned by Zuckerman. The narrative is unique in its concept of building up a case against the pig, Wilbur, and how the story begins to take serious turn where rhetoric is used more often to make a point clear to the listener. In the case when Wilbur is expected to be killed by Fern’s father, Fern pleas his father not to kill Wilbur and promises him that she will look after him. She liked Wilbur and she manages to convince her father not to kill Wilbur, just because she likes the animal and thinks it is cute enough to be loved and must not be killed .

留学 论文代写:夏洛特网络叙事中的修辞学

The father along with her mother melts against the sweet request of their daughter that they give up the idea of killing Wilbur for food. This is where rhetoric is seen to be used for the first time in the narrative, and the effects are seen to be positive. The usage of rhetoric is more gradual and not instant when Fern first tries to convince her father, who when disagrees, makes her go to her mother to request her father to not kill Wilbur. In return, she promises that she will look after Wilbur. She uses rhetoric because she changes her mind and behaviour and becomes caring, and the father also becomes caring such that he finally gives up the thought of killing Wilbur.
