

要想成功地经营一家公司,一个人必须具备领导素质,因为这对组织的发展以及领导者的个性都是非常重要的。这种领导力的发展和培训可以进一步提高生产力,达到其最大限度,创造更积极的文化;促进本组织员工之间的和谐与和平。因此,为了达到这一质量,人们必须使用正确的领导技巧来领导个人和团队(Abbasialiya, 2010)。但这不是一件容易的工作,因为无论有多少领导者能够毫不费力地管理公司,通往成功的道路总是会面临许多惊喜和挑战。然而,领导者并不是独自面对所有的挑战,他有一个团队或工作组织来迎接所有的挑战,并实现他们想要的目标。领导者的工作不是独自解决每一个问题,而是激励那些他或她领导的人解决所有的问题。因此,优秀的领导者总是认识到自己的能力,并因此在工作中不断提高自己,同时也提高自己的领导能力。除了个人素质,如积极性和良好的愿景,领导者还应该采取谨慎的步骤,以对组织最有利的方式,与员工启动良好的沟通技巧。许多过程涉及到执行领导技巧,如不断的反馈、良好的奖励制度和要实现的一组明确的目标。

综上所述,可以说,一个管理者必须运用他的技能和他的人类洞察力来捕捉共同企业中个人的满足,并创造满足,使下属服从他的部分。因此,除了所谓的领导力之外,领导力不仅仅包括理解他人,甚至对他人友善(Northouse, 2001)。民主领袖的概念意味着不应该有权力的划分,而且人们认为每个人都可以在自己的领域里做自己的老板。然而,对于商业领袖来说,情况并非如此,他们认为这为公司的成长和发展提供了最大的机会。对每一位在it行业工作的员工,即使没有造成混乱,也要如此。因此,在组织领导设置中,情境领导是一个有效的过程,用于确保工作完成和所有目标的实现。这是通过识别需要振兴,创建一个新的视觉和随之而来的制度化变更承认独特的资产和方向关系可以建立不同的工人和一个组织的领导者(Shriberget al ., 2002)。


To run a firm successfully, one must have a leadership quality as it is very important for the development of the organization and also on the personality of the leaders. This development and training of leadership can further increase productivity to its maximum limits, create a more positive culture; promote harmony and peace among the employees of the organization. Therefore, in order to achieve this quality, the people must lead the individuals and the teams by using the correct leadership techniques (Abbasialiya, 2010). But this is not an easy job because no matter how effortlessly few leaders show to manage the organization, the path to it is always facing many surprises and challenges. However, the leader does not face all the challenges alone, he has a group or a working organization that meet all the challenges and achieve their desired goals. The leader’s job is not to solve every problem alone, but to inspire those he or she leads to solve all the prob. Therefore, good leaders always recognize their capabilities and hence work on improving themselves all the time in their business and also sharp their leadership skills. Apart from the personal qualities like positivity and good vision, a leader should also take careful steps to initiate good communication skills with their staff in the manner that is best for the organization. Many processes are involved in carrying out leadership techniques such as a constant feedback, a good system of rewards and a clear set of goals that are to be achieved.
To conclude, it can be said that an executive must use his skills and his human insight to capture individual satisfactions in the common enterprise and to create fulfilment that holds the subordinate to his part. Therefore, leadership apart from what it is said to be consists more than just understanding people or even being nice to them (Northouse, 2001). The concept of a democratic leader implies that there should be no division of authority, and also that it is considered that everyone can be his own boss in his particular field. However, this is not true in case of a business leader and that has a sense of providing the maximum opportunity for the growth and development of a company.And to each of the employee that is working in it even without creating anarchy. Thus within organizational leadership settings, situational leadership is an effective process utilized to ensure jobs are completed and all the goals are met. This is accomplished through recognizing a need for revitalization, creating a new vision and also institutionalizing change that comes along with acknowledging the unique assets and directions that are possible to build upon the different relationships of the workers and the leader in an organization (Shriberget al., 2002).
