論文代寫:從Burley Bill看澳洲土著文化背景


論文代寫:從Burley Bill看澳洲土著文化背景

論文代寫:從Burley Bill看澳洲土著文化背景


論文代寫:從Burley Bill看澳洲土著文化背景

The selected story speaks of the terror the wild animals have to live in, running from the hunters and their guns. It speaks of the animal revolt against the human world as they go about ravaging their way, after the rude intervention from the civilised world has threatened their existence. In this regard, the book becomes important as it elaborates the human activities and destruction carried out in the wild. The animal lives are rendered helpless. The animal suffering voiced through the animation of the species will assist the tender mind of the children in understanding the environmental challenges and issues faced by the Australian

論文代寫:從Burley Bill看澳洲土著文化背景

In this respect it could be understood that the selection of the book will act as a captivating project for the children in introducing them to their natural environment. The project could be inculcated in their curriculum through various interesting projects .The book could be treated as a part of the science project. Critics are of the opinion that the children thebest when they are taught through visual and practical application