论文代写 定性研究



Qualitative research is a method used primarily for research in social sciences based on theoretical principles based methodologies such as phenomenology, hermeneutics. The social interaction using data collection methods is not quantitative in purpose of exploring the social science and it describes reality as experienced by the corresponding researcher (Patton, 2002). Qualitative research requires a deep understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern it. Unlike quantitative research, qualitative research seeks to explain the reasons for the different aspects of such behavior. In other words, it investigates why and how a decision was made, in contrast to quantitative research which aims to answer questions such as what, where, when. Qualitative research is based on sampling technique, this is the observation of small population groups such as classrooms, office etc.

a)      Participatory Research: This is an activity that combines the form of interrelating research and actions in a particular field chosen by the investigator with the participation of the subjects being investigated. The ultimate goal of this research is the usually search for changes in the community or population to improve living conditions.

b)      Action Research: It has similarity with the participatory research and quite often it talks of participatory action research. One of the attempts of action research is to summarize the relationship of identity to build a theory that is effective as a guide for action and scientific, that is closely linked to science for transformation and social liberation. It has a striking style of research related to education called diagnostic evaluation criteria.

c)      Ethnographic Research: It is characterized by the use of observation, whether participating or not. In any of these options involves observations, as far as possible, what happens in the place being studied, using tools to complete the information obtained by the observation that one can speak in many areas.





