
by | 6-Jun-2020 | 澳洲代写

今天为大家分享一篇优秀的essay范文-论文代写:家族企业的创新。本文讲述的是推动企业进行创新的主要目标,是它们渴望在客户或消费者的偏好中保持可持续发展(Lin & Song, 2012)。这进一步促使企业采取改变企业文化观、采用创新新标准等措施。此外,他们应该雇佣专业人士,帮助他们在创新领域进行投资,并在企业中实施创新理念。因此,企业能够恢复他们的忠实消费者,这也鼓励他们保持他们的竞争地位(Gardella, Leonard & McElderry, 1998;马,林,梁,2012)。此外,这些企业还确保生产方法的质量随着时间的推移得到保持和升级。如需要完整内容的论文代写范文资料,请联系我们的客服。


在传承和文化理念的实践中,家族企业的工作理念是少花钱多储蓄(Kamakura & Du, 2012)。但是,当公司的目标是在全球市场上成功交付产品时,这种做法就会退居次要地位,公司会非常积极地参与管理和管理多样化的劳动力(布朗和奥斯本,2012)。因此,这些公司必须做出决定,如何继续实践的文化信仰和遗产,这些项目他们是保守的(Goel, He & Karri, 2011;Liu & Chen, 2014)。


What Drives and Causes Innovation in Family Businesses?

The main objective which drives the businesses to do innovation is their urge to remain sustainable in the preferences of the clientele or the consumers (Lin & Song, 2012). This further drives the businesses to adopt the measures such as make changes in their cultural outlook towards the business and adopt new standard for making innovation. In addition, they should hire professionals who aid them into investing in the areas of innovation and the implementation of the innovative ideas in the business. Therefore, the businesses are enabled to restore their loyal consumers and it also encourages them to retain their competitive position (Gardella, Leonard & McElderry, 1998; Ma, Lin & Liang, 2012). Additionally, these firms also ensure that the quality of the production methods is maintained and upgraded with the passing time.


In the furtherance of the practice of heritage and cultural ideas, the family businesses work with the ideology of spending less and saving more (Kamakura & Du, 2012). But when the company has the aim of making successful deliveries in the global market, such practice takes the back seat and the firms exceedingly involve themselves into the administration and management of the diverse workforce (Brown & Osborne, 2012). Thus, these firms have to make the decision as to how to continue the practice of the cultural beliefs and heritage which projects them to be conservative (Goel, He & Karri, 2011; Liu & Chen, 2014).
