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Claudio Monteverdi’s Orfeo is the first greatest opera that explored and introduced a new form of modern music drama with great instrumentations.
Claudio Monteverdi is a Catholic person who strongly believes in mythology and regarded music as a tool to reveal the greatness of his religion. The Fable of Orpheus is the theme of the entire performance and he also made use of instruments that are strongly inclined to his religion. This gave him the ease to add curiosity to the performance and quality to the results.


The musical context is phenomenal. With vocal writing, the Greek drama was presented with the accompaniment of instruments that were popular at that period. Varied elements of opera were altered depending on the scenes involved. The chords and passages changed whenever it is ritual context or a sad situation.
Impact of context on Monteverdi
The contexts have influenced Monteverdi to choose the right instrument and right form of representation to create the desired excitement. His religion acted as an indicator for him to choose instruments. On the other hand, he also decided to detail on the ancient happenings and rituals that will interest the listeners.
With total of five acts, Monteverdi’s first performance is a hit not only because of the musicality involved but also because of the way it has been delivered. It certainly remained unique at that century.