


人與顏色的關係是最密切的關係之一。色彩在建築中扮演著美學、儀式化和神奇的角色。隨著後現代主義的出現,這些色彩也被賦予了新的角色。多色是用來強調裝飾和體積的。顏色從強烈到中等範圍使用,而很少使用淡色。色彩成為了一種空間決定工具,是後現代主義建築中建築構成的重要組成部分。現在建築師們使用顏色來展示物理特性和注意力吸引技術(Agoston, 2013)。後現代主義建築背後的思想產生於20世紀50年代。使用了不同的顏色和做法,這在早些時候並不被認為是可接受的。在過去的四五十年裡,人們對顏色有了全面的認識。


Colour is the most important part of the world. Everything in this world is made up of different colours and hues. Colours also play an important role, not just in the natural beauty, but also in the man-made world. Colours have played significant role in the evolutionary aspects of humans. The colours in the environment are perceived, this perceived information is received and perceived by the human brain on the subjective and objective basis. The perceptual judgment of the humans is based on the psychological influence, information and effects of the colours on the psyche. Thus, the use of colours, and the colour design in architecture do not just refer to decoration. But, these colours also affect the perception of space. The paper aims towards providing the importance of colours in the architectural designs. Colours have been an integral part of the human life since beginning. Even the primitive man used different colours to paint the walls of their caves.

The relationship, between man and colours is one of the closest relationships. Colours play an aesthetic, ritualistic and magical role in architecture. The colours have adopted a new role, with the advent of post-modernism. The polychromy is used to emphasize ornamentation and volume. The colours are used from intense to medium range, while pale colours are rarely used. The colours became a space determining tool and a vital part of the architectural composition in the postmodernist architecture. Now the architects use the colours for displaying the physical qualities as well as the attention drawing technique (Agoston, 2013). The idea behind the post modernist architecture occurred from the period of 1950’s. Different colours and practices were being used, which were earlier not considered as acceptable. The last 4 to 5 decades have brought holistic approach in the colours.
