

誌願服務過程涉及多種因素。人們實際上被賦予了許多職責。誌願服務是一個非常寬泛的術語;有必要確定所承擔職責的具體性質,以了解其範圍(Meier & Stutzer, 2008)。所從事的具體工作包括為老年人和兒童安排活動。在安排工作的過程中,我也照顧老人和孩子。我設法確保房間保持幹凈。我還誌願參加了南海社會福利中心的保潔活動。

誌願者在社會上有特殊的地位。在誌願服務的過程中,誌願者也獲得了專業和個人。他們獲得了豐富的生活經驗,明白了實際幫助他人的重要性(Meier & Stutzer, 2008)。許多哲學家認為,誌願活動可以讓個人發展更好的自尊。完成誌願工作本身就能讓人們感到滿足。據觀察,誌願者比不誌願者對自己的生活更滿意(Meier & Stutzer, 2008)。經過思考,這句話被認為是正確的。我個人認為鍛煉使我對生活感到滿意。由於誌願活動,個人生活和職業生活都有了發展。大家了解作為一個團隊和在不利的緊急條件下工作的重要性。我們能夠滿足要求,僅僅通過完成工作就能獲得滿足。


在誌願服務學期快結束時,我成了新參與者的導師。我教他們如何與人相處。這個過程讓我獲得了領導經驗。研究證明,人們在誌願活動的過程中會做出更多的集體決定(Ockenden和Hutin 2008)。這使人們能夠發展人際交往技能和領導技能(Ockenden和Hutin 2008)。從我個人的觀察來看,我的實習生在我允許他們自己做決定的時候,工作表現得更積極。然而,在沒有適當監督的情況下,他們有時不能完成日常任務。在這種情況下,自主理論和因果取向理論的學術理論得到了實時的實踐(Oostlander et al., 2013)。自我決定理論認為員工需要一定程度的自治才能產生結果。隨意取向指的是人們根據自己的取向表現得最好(Oostlander et al., 2013)。我們對實習生進行了個人分析,我試圖通過溫和地輕推他們來確保他們符合要求。這讓我明白了開發度量標準和允許人們自主工作的重要性。



Multiple factors are involved in the process of volunteering. People are actually given a number of duties and responsibilities. Volunteering is a very broad term; there is a need to identify the specific nature of the duties undertaken to understand its scope (Meier & Stutzer, 2008). Specific jobs that undertook were involving in the arrangement of events for the aged and children. During the course of arranging the jobs, I also took care of the senior and children. I tried to ensure that cleanliness was maintained in the rooms. I also volunteered in the cleaning activities within Nanhai Social Welfare Centre.
Volunteers have a special place in society. In this process of volunteering, the volunteers also gain professional and personal. They gain rich life experience and understand the significance of helping others practically (Meier & Stutzer, 2008). A number of philosophers opine that volunteering allows individuals to develop better self-esteem. Completion of volunteering works in itself allows people to feel satisfied. It has been observed that people who volunteer feel more satisfied with their life than people who do not volunteer (Meier & Stutzer, 2008). On reflection, this statement is considered to be true. It was personally felt that exercise has made me feel satisfied with life. There has been a development made both in personal and professional life owing to the volunteering exercise. Importance of functioning as a team and working in adverse urgent conditions was understood. We were able to meet requirements and gain satisfaction by the mere completion of jobs.
From a professional stand point, it has made me understand the impact of working as a team. It has helped in analyzing people’s needs and the significance of collectivistic attitude. Volunteering process has also increased my job skills. It has made me understand the fundamental dynamics of people and emotions. Importance of employee motivation and morale was understood in this process.
Towards the end of the volunteering term, I was made a mentor to the new joiners. I taught them how to deal with people. This process enabled me to gain leadership experience. It has been proven from studies that people make more collective decisions from the process of volunteering (Ockenden and Hutin 2008). This enables people to develop inter-people skills and leadership skills (Ockenden and Hutin 2008). From personal observations, it was understood that my interns performed their work more zealously whenever I allowed them to make their own decisions. Nevertheless, during certain times without proper supervision, they did not meet their daily tasks. In this situation, the academic theories of Self-determination theory and causality orientation theory were practiced in real time (Oostlander et al., 2013). Self-determination theory states that employees need a certain level of autonomy to bring out results. Casual orientation states that people perform the best based on their orientation (Oostlander et al., 2013). Interns were personally analyzed and I tried to ensure that they had met requirements by gentle nudging. This made me understand the importance of developing metrics and allowing people to function autonomously.
This has enabled me to gain people skills, learn to practice empathy and understand how to help people.
