

许多以品牌意识为基础的技术组织最终在供应商行为规范中,在社会、劳动和环境责任以及企业公民等方面都宣称自己的理想。这是对欧洲、美国和大中华区的反血汗工厂运动增长的部分回应。然而,在以出口为导向的工业中违反工厂工人的基本权利最终仍然是棘手的(Hurst 104)。这进一步促使从业者和学者在企业责任范围内,促进利用公共和私人权力,建立公正的供应链。公私伙伴关系所作的主要努力仍然集中在呼吁非政府劳工组织、跨国公司和国家政府共同承诺更好地保护工人。


特别是在中国,电子产业融入全球分工的方式,加剧了阶级对立和劳动冲突(Chan and Mark 600)。在这种背景下,本文的目的是找出雇主和国家不愿解决工人问题的关键因素。本文的主旨是:主要原因是来自苹果的低成本生产压力,苹果通过美国的消费主义来维持其高利润,以及中国政府和大资本的出口导向型工业化战略以及由此导致的对独立工人组织的压制。本次讨论将参照富士康和苹果的商业案例进行。


A number of brand-conscious technology based organizations have ended up professing ideals in terms of social, labor and environmental responsibility, and corporate citizenship within the codes of conduct of supplier. This is a partial response to the growth in anti-sweatshop movement across the electronics sector of Europe, the United States of America, and the recent market of the Greater China. Nevertheless, violating the fundamental rights of factory worker in industry oriented with export end up remaining intractable (Hurst 104). This further prompts practitioners and scholars within corporate responsibility for the promotion of leveraging public and private power for the creation of just supply chains. The major effort put in by public private partnerships stays focused on calling upon a shared commitment of non-governmental labor organizations, transnational companies and national government for a better protection of the workers.

Specifically in China, the ways in which electronics industry has been integrated within a globally divided labor has resulted in intensifying antagonism of class and conflicts of labor (Chan and Mark 600). In this context, the aim of this essay is to identify the key factors as per which the employers and the state show reluctance to address issues of worker. The thesis statement guiding this essay is: Main reasons are pressure from Apple for low cost production for sustaining its high profits through US consumerism, as well as the Chinese state and large capital’s strategy for export-led industrialization and its consequent suppression of independent workers’ organization. This discussion will be conducted in reference with the business case of Foxconn and Apple.
