

本篇论文辅导-公司法讲了《公司法》包括对《公司法》的若干修正案,这些修正案主要是由于适用于全国各地的立法的特点发生了变化而产生的。董事应该了解他们的角色和责任。该框架以股东的利益为基础。公司需要遵守道德规范和规章制度,公司治理是行为准则的体现。本篇论文辅导文章由澳洲第一论文 Assignment First辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

An amount of $750000 was borrowed from the Friendly Bank Ltd by Lee on behalf of the Top Engineering Pty Ltd to expand the business of the company into Beijing. A very low cash reserve was there at the time of taking up the bank loan. The company was also suffering from losses for the past six months due to the economic downturn in China. The wife of Lee, Susan was the nonexecutive director of the Top Engineering Pty Ltd and left the management of the organization. Susan thinks Lee is having a better business brain and also understanding the market of China. The bank loan document was signed by Susan in her capacity as the company director, and she knows that Top Engineering Pty Ltd was facing difficulty in paying the bills. The cheque issued by Top Engineering Pty Ltd for paying the electricity bill was bounced. Thus, Susan was liable for the repayment of the loan to the Friendly Bank Ltd. The bank loan document was signed by Susan, and the company failed to pay the loan amount. Thus, Susan was liable for the repayment of the loan amount. The Corporations Act 2001 sets out statutory requirements for the registered organizations and rules the conduct of the officers and directors. The act requires that the organization should maintain the registered office, minimum two directors and fill the memorandum of articles and association. Failure to follow the requirements of the act would result in the forfeiture of the limited liability protection provided to the shareholders. The companies have to follow the rules and regulations as per the Corporation Act 2001. Thus, according to the corporation’s act 2001, Susan is liable for the repayment of the loan amount of $750000 to the Friendly Bank Ltd. The operation of the Corporation Act 2001 is based on the legislative powers that the Parliament of the country under section 51 (Bostock, 2012). The rules and regulations are prepared under the conceptual framework. The companies have to set the framework on the basis of the rules, regulations, and policies. The judge of the court takes the decisions on the basis of the facts of the case. The Commonwealth is not allowed to authorize the officers or authorities to undertake the function under the state law including the performance of the duty. The Corporation Act comprises a number of amendments to the corporation law that arises principally out of the changed characteristic of the legislation applying throughout the country. The directors should understand their roles and responsibilities. The framework is based on the benefit of the shareholders. The ethical rules and regulations need to be followed by the company, and the corporate governance shows the code of conducts. The boards of directors are responsible for operating the business activities of the organization. Susan was the nonexecutive director of the Top Engineering Pty Ltd, and she also passed the loan of the company. Thus, it was the responsibility of Susan to determine and evaluate the liquidity of the company while taking the loan amount. The Corporations Act 2001 provides rules, regulations, and framework for the organization. The members, directors and nonexecutive directors should take the responsibility of the company (Evans, 2014). The judges interpret the case on the basis of their knowledge and skills. The statutory requirement needs to be followed by the company, and it also provides direction to the officers and directors. Susan signed the document of the loan, and it is the responsibility of her to support the company and liable for the repayment. The provisions of the Corporations Act 2001 provide the directions to the directors and nonexecutive directors, and they have to follow the statutory requirements.
