

产品开发是公司为迎合新兴消费者需求而开发的系统方法论(Basu, 2013)。他们设法满足当代现代消费者的苛刻要求。一个产品的设计、生产过程和行动计划受到很多关注。在此阶段还进行了可行性分析,以确保生产过程是可行的。联合利华公司运用的产品开发策略是知识重用策略,并制定了规范管理计划(Kota & Bandi, 2015)。他们开发了一个产品生命周期管理最佳实践方法,使公司能够不断地向客户交付产品(Basu, & Wright, 2012)。这使得公司能够在产品线和开发上不断改进。




据观察,公司对产品和服务的要求是多样化的。公司根据资源、时间和消费者需求制定计划。初步制定行动计划。联合利华的行动计划从监控消费者的需求和实际的产品感知开始。公司进行有效的客户差距分析。从这一差距分析结果,公司进行了生产过程的基准。这是由于技术、资源和对等方部署的过程的可用性。这一过程必须是一个永久的过程,因为这确保了向消费者提供高质量的产品。数据分析是在生产过程开发之后进行的。导出了消费者的需求和公司开发的实际可交付成果。在对公司内部数据进行分析后,对设计流程进行优化和质量再造。为公司制定行动计划需要在分配的时间内花费25%的时间(Basu, & Wright, 2012)。

Product development is a systematic methodology that is developed by the company’s to cater to the emerging consumer requirements (Basu, 2013). They are manoeuvred to meet the exacting demands of the contemporary modern consumers. There is a lot of focus given for the design, production process and action plan of a product. Feasibility analysis is also conducted during this stage to ensure that the production process is viable. Product development strategy that Unilever Company utilizes is the Knowledge re-uses strategy and has developed a specification management plan (Kota & Bandi, 2015). They have developed a Product lifecycle management best practices methodology that has enabled the company to continually deliver products to the client (Basu, & Wright, 2012). This has enabled the company for continuous improvement in their product line and development.
Research and development in the product design phase has allowed the company to optimize costs in its production and development phase.
Packaging design is a very important component that has been given a lot of importance by the company. This is also done in the product development cycle. There is a lot of emphasis given in the product design phase in order to reduce waste and optimize resources.
Competitive advantage and Unique selling proposition is brainstormed during the design phase of the product.
It has been observed that the company has diversified products and service requirements. Company develops a plan based on the resources, time and consumer requirements. Initially action plan is devised. Action plan of Unilever starts by monitoring the requirements of the consumers and the actual product perception. The company conducts effective customer gap analysis. From this gap analysis results the company conducts the benchmarking of production process. This is derived from the availability of technology, resources and the processes deployed by counterparts. It is imperative for this process to be a perpetual process since this ensures sustenance and delivery of high-quality goods to the consumers. Data analysis is done subsequent to the development of production process. Needs of the consumers and the actual deliverables that have been developed by the company are derived. Reengineering of the design processes for optimization and quality is conducted after the analysis of data within the company. Devising of action plan for the company takes 25% within the allocated time (Basu, & Wright, 2012).


为了将质量管理引入公司内部并创造质量管理文化,公司为员工和供应商提供了充足的培训。为保证质量维护,对员工进行强制性培训和选择性培训(Wisner, Tan & Leong, 2015)。公司的人力资源管理部门监督这些培训项目。根据消费者的需求和目标,对公司人员进行质量保证培训。

有独立的专门团队和人员,确保在公司部署的过程中保持质量。如前所述,有许多团队负责产品和服务的生产。每个团队都会雇佣一些关键人员来确保公司的生产是否符合质量标准。内部审计定期进行,以确保高质量标准。为了保证产品的高质量,每年都会改变基准标准和生产规则(Wisner, Tan & Leong, 2015)。联合利华的合规守则解释了每种产品的具体要求。


联合利华被认为拥有最有效的全面质量管理。它定期提高质量标准,以缩小差距。根据2014年的报告,消费者对联合利华产品的投诉下降了10%。由于强有力的实践,产品事件也下降了29% (Wisner, Tan & Leong, 2015)。从理论上讲,公司通过全面的质量管理和精益生产流程,缩小了消费者的期望差距。

To bring quality management within the company and for creation of quality management culture the company provides ample training for its employees and suppliers. There are some mandatory training and some optional training that are provided for the employees to ensure quality maintenance (Wisner, Tan & Leong, 2015). The HR management of the company monitors these training programs. Based on the consumer requirements and objectives, personnel of the company are provided with quality assurance trainings.
There are separate dedicated teams and personnel who ensure that quality is maintained in the processes deployed by the company. As mentioned earlier there are a number of teams that operate for production of the products and services. Some key personnel from each team are hired to ensure if the quality standards are met by the production of the company. Internal auditing is conducted on a regular basis to ensure that high quality standards. Benchmarking standards and the rules of production are changed in a yearly basis to ensure high quality in its production (Wisner, Tan & Leong, 2015). Specific mandates for each product have been explained in the Unilever code of compliance.
To detect any quality issues in its process the company follows triadic process. It is the detection, prevention and response.
Unilever is considered to have one of the most effective Total Quality Management in place. It increases quality standards on a regular basis to reduce the gaps. According to reports in the year 2014 the consumer complaints regarding Unilever products fell by 10%. Product incidents also fell by 29% owing to robust practices (Wisner, Tan & Leong, 2015). Theoretically speaking the company has reduced consumer expectation gaps due to its total quality management and Lean production process.

