




The book “How to Win Friends and Influence People” no douth by only its title has created a huge amount of sensation among people as it made astonishing sales when it was first published. But on the other hand many parts of the book that I find are awkward or in other words, I can say that doesn’t fit in the picture. When the author mentions the example of Mrs. McKinley, who just for the attainment of attention and affection from her husband, doesn’t let him go to presidential office for work shows information without any factual data or cannot be proved with any evidence. These are only the assumptions made by the author and may also be proven wrong. May be Mrs. McKinley was in serious life and death situation and required someone close to look after. This statement can be proven wrong that Mrs. McKinley on purpose stopped her husband for dealing with serious issues relating to the nation. The author also discusses the issue of runaway wives where he has mentioned the reason of lack of appreciation that also lacks evidence. Based on assumptions it can be completely false. Maybe wives were going through an abusive relationship or for other reasons they left their husbands and family.