


他很烦恼,因为他在上海的大街上看到了大片的盗版dvd。他认为,这种盗版行为实际上会摧毁和摧毁中国的电影业。对杨的恐惧虽然不是真的。这是因为为了打击海盗,中国电影业有帝国的建设者,他们致力于他们的工作。与此同时,科技创新也帮助中国走出了这种困境。因此,之前在当代世界中制造焦虑和紧张的dvd成为了围绕着观看和电影体验的“para text”。如今,随着dvd的出现,各种各样的数字媒体已经成为电影工业中非常重要的东西。




He was troubled because he saw the pirated DVDS of the blockbuster movies there on the streets of Shanghai . He thought that this piracy would actually devastate and destroy the film industry in China. The fear of Yang although was not true. It is because to fight the pirates, the Chinese film industry had the empire builders, who are dedicated towards their work. Along with them, there was technological innovation, which helped China to recover from that kind of situation (. Hence, the DVDs, which were previously created an anxiety and tension, in the contemporary world, became a “para text”, which revolves around the viewing and the cinematic experience. In the present day, along with the DVDs various other kinds of digital media have become an immensely important thing in the movie industry


Currently, it is almost impossible to watch a movie or a television without even having any kind of preconceived notion. Various types of hypes create the preconceived notion that is there in the minds of the viewers . Different things such as the merchandising, podcasts, guerilla marketing, along with the trailers and the print media create this particular hype. For this reason, before the launch of any television program or before the launch of any movie, these kinds of digital marketing platform turn out to be very fruitful for the movie-making industry.