



Also one of the main reasons why internet is blocked severely might be a business one. The Chinese want to protect their home grown internet industry. Baidu, the Chinese search engine came out on top of the Chinese search engines. If Google had been allowed inside China, Baidu would not have stood a chance.

Chinese officials own version of why they need to censor their internet but severely points out to political reasons. As reported by Reuters in the Raw Story website (2014), a Chinese official severely justified the censoring on grounds of the need to keep ‘overseas hostile forces’ at bay from spreading rumours. This could be because they want to cover up the real reasons why they need to cover up the internet.
Chinese government also unveiled its own search engine named ‘Chinaso’ in the midst of increased censorship of the internet in China. But the Chinese internet search engine is a real tough one for ‘Chinaso’ to compete in. Also, the effectiveness of this search engine with the Chinese government’s reputation in blocking sensitive terms is severely in doubt. Initial responses to ‘Chinaso’ have been far from complimentary with some commenting even that it was ‘terrible’ compared to existing search engines in the nation. Many citizens believe that this new search engine is a precursor to more tightening controls on the already heavily censored internet in China.
One thing is for sure, the ruling establishment in China is not going to kowtow easily to western pressures on easing the countries stringent internet censorship anytime soon. Probably one might have to wait for much longer for the dream of such an easing to turn into a reality.
