

问题1:从福特主义到后福特主义有很多关键原因。首先,新自由主义经济开始取代凯恩斯主义思想集团的模式,而民族国家的主导地位逐渐被削弱。经济全球化中的国家去国有化倾向导致了各种放松管制的政策(Harris, J。和麦当劳,C。,2000)。第二,自由企业和自由市场的概念出现在舞台上。第三,始终需要改变福特主义下的等级、中心和官僚形式,使其在后福特主义观点中更加注重绩效,并在本质上完全退化(Allen, 1992)。由于这些原因,过渡将会发生。此外,由转移或转移引起的新劳动运动是可以解释的,因为转移导致了凯恩斯主义框架的遗留,这种框架限制了劳动法规的灵活性。

问题2:女性化是一种概念,它有助于描述从全球资本主义崛起中诞生的两性劳动的新兴关系。女性化是职场女性化的一种趋势,它是女性就业增加的趋势,是男性有意愿和能力与女性化程度很高的工作区域合作的趋势(Hossain et al., 2013)。印度Ahmedabad自雇妇女协会采用了这一策略。除了信贷获取之外,最重要的是,该机构将重点放在赋予妇女权力,以最有效的方式利用她们的资源(Hossain et al., 2013)。女性已经开始在男性占主导地位的领域里更多地表达自己的观点。妇女已担任领导角色,使她们能够认识到她们能够发展到何种程度。出现这种情况的原因有:为工资提供集体谈判权、改善工作条件和打击家庭暴力的能力等。


Question 1: There were various key reasons existing for the transition from Fordism to post-Fordism. Firstly, the neo-liberal economies started replacing the pattern of Keynesian thought group while the nation state primacy was being undermined gradually. The state denationalization in economic globalization favor resulted into various policies of deregulation (Harris, J., & McDonald, C., 2000). Secondly, the notion of free enterprise and free markets came into being at the stage front. Thirdly, there was a consistent need to shift the hierarchical, central and bureaucratic forms present under Fordism to be more driven on performance and completely devolved in nature in the post Fordism view (Allen, 1992). The transition was to take place due to these reasons. Also, the new labor movements arising from the shift or transition are explainable, because the transition led towards leaving behind Keynesian framework which limited labor regulations from being flexible.


Question 2: Labor feminization is a conception that helps in describing emerging relations of gendered labor born from global capitalism rise. It is workplace feminization which is a type of trend towards enhanced women employment and of male’s having a will and ability of operating with such highly feminized working areas (Hossain et al., 2013). This strategy is used by the self-employed women’s association of Ahmedabad in India. Most essential than only credit access, the authority has focused over women empowerment to utilize their resources in the most effective manner (Hossain et al., 2013). Women have started to speak out more even in those areas where the system is male dominated. Women have taken up leadership roles allowing them to realize the extent to which they can develop. This has occurred with the provision of power of collective bargaining for wages, better conditions at work and ability of domestic violence combating etc.
