

对于一些女性来说,婚姻和约会是她们选择刀具的主要因素。嫁给一个经济上稳定的人是韩国女性的主要偏好之一。在一个残酷的父权社会中,女性被认为是呆在家里,打扫卫生,抚养孩子和做饭,当未来的丈夫寻找他们的妻子时,女性的价值下降到她们的外表(Bermant33)。领先于其他女性,期望丈夫能照顾好自己,这是非常可取的。处于适婚年龄的女性总是因为长得漂亮而面临着巨大的压力。例如,一些特定的婚介所不会接纳那些长相不高于平均水平的人,因为他们的客户群不错。一个主要的影响是整形外科的爆发(Bermant 34)。总的来说,对女性来说,用任何方法让自己看起来迷人都是一项不错的投资,即使其中涉及到永久改变她们的面部特征(Lim11)。此外,获得整形手术的能力和合理的费用吸引个人。与整形外科医生的方法相比,费用是合理的。由于现实的价格,首尔被认为是一个整形手术的新兴城市。


综上所述,从上面的讨论可以清楚地看出,在这个个人选择被认为是首选的当代社会中,道德推论可能被证明是模糊的。然而,患者往往希望改变自己的外貌,以适应西方的特征,比如高鼻梁、双眼皮、轮廓分明的下巴以及窄脸。此外,从共同的角度来看,韩国的外科手术热潮有着相当严重的影响,即对社会期望的民族哲学和传统的延续。此外,韩国人的文化个性可能会因为追求完美的外表而消失(Lee 15)。此外,这种操纵和改变也为韩国的新一代提供了推论。他们对文化认同的前景是在种族墨守成规的混乱中。结果可能是脱敏,整容手术的前景就像一种仪式,最后,失去个人对美丽的看法。


For several females, marriage and dating are the chief factor, which encourages them to choose the knife. Marrying a financially steady person is one among the key preferences for Korean females. Within a ferociously patriarchal community wherein females are thought to remain at home, clean, raise kids and cook, the values of the females decrease to their looks at the time when future husbands look for their wives (Bermant33). Being ahead of other females greatly expecting a good life with their husband who would take care of them is highly preferred. Females in their marriageable age face high stress for looking attractive always. For instance, particular dating agencies would not admit individuals who are not regarded above average with respect to looks for holding their list of good clientele. One chief impact has been the outburst in plastic surgery (Bermant 34). On the whole, it is regarded as being a good investment for females to look attractively any means, even in case if permanently altering their facial features is involved (Lim11). Additionally, obtain ability and reasonable expense of plastic surgery attracts individuals. In contrast with the methods of the plastic surgeons, the cost is reasonable. Seoul is considered as being a plastic-surgery boomtown due to the realistic prices.


To conclude, it can be clearly stated from the above discussion that within this contemporary community where individual choice is considered as being the top preference, the ethical inferences might prove to be vague. Nevertheless, patients frequently wish to change their appearances for Western traits, like the heightened nose, double eyelid, chiseled chin as well as narrow face Several individuals are apprehensive that such upcoming drift is an ethnic facelift. Additionally, from a mutual perspective, the surgery boom in South Korea has quite serious impacts i.e. a continuation of an ethnic philosophy and conventionality towards social expectancy. Moreover, the cultural individuality for Korean individuals might fade away in chase of the flawless look (Lee 15). Further, the manipulation and alteration too hold inferences for the newer generation in South Korea. Their prospect for cultural identity is amid turmoil of racial conformism. The outcome can be desensitization, an outlook of plastic surgery like a passage rite and lastly, loss of individual view of what it actually implies being beautiful.
