

显然,安大略省政府有必要寻求更有效的措施,以帮助鼓励各国履行其人权义务。安大略委员会需要承担经济、社会和文化权利,并把这些放在它的前沿来提出一个改变(Murie, 2012)。委员会需要提醒联邦和省政府,正如住房总主管部门在报告中所评论的那样,有足够的住房权利。4).根据这一意见,每个国家都需要采取合作努力,彻底实现适当住房的权利。这几乎以一种不变的方式,需要通过一项国家住房战略,以反映所有受影响的人,包括那些无家可归的人以及他们的代表广泛协商和参与(Pittini, a。, Laino, E。,2011)。需要进一步采取步骤,确保各区域、各部和当局在当地环境中进行协调,以便能够提出政策和解。以下是简要的建议:




联邦、省和领土当局应解决住房不足以及无家可归问题,作为国家的紧急情况(Murie, 2012)。缔约国需要在全国执行一项减少无家可归者的战略,其中包括关于《盟约》标准的衡量目标和协商、程序申诉和透明机制。


重新定义安大略省规划法案。该法案应加以修改,将适当的住房视为对地方利益的考虑。在该法案中,需要发布新的省级政策声明,帮助指导市政当局规划土地使用和发展决策(Scanlon et al, 2015)。该政策声明有助于明确地方利益,以确保一个完整的住房范围,以满足当前和未来的社区需求。


It is evident that there is a need for Ontario Government to look for more efficient measures that can help in motivating states to act over their obligations on human rights. The Ontario Committee needs to undertake economic, social and rights of culture and consider these at its forefront to bring forward a change (Murie, 2012). The committee needs to remind the federal and provincial government over the adequate housing right as commented in the report by General housing authorities (also known as General comment no. 4). As per this comment, every state needs to adopt a collaborative effort for completely realizing the right towards appropriate housing. This, almost, in an invariable way, needs a national housing strategy to be adopted which is such that it reflects the extensive consultation with and participation through, all those influenced, inclusive of those who are homeless, not housed adequately along with their representatives(Pittini, A., and Laino, E., 2011). Steps further need to be undertaken for ensuring that there is coordination among regions, ministries and authorities in the local environment so as to be able to present policies reconciliation. The recommendations in brief are provided as follows:
Adopting a comprehensive housing policy in the nation which is properly coordinated depending upon human rights indivisibility and protection of those that are mostly under vulnerability. Such national strategy needs to be inclusive of timetables, goals of measurable nature, affected communities collaboration, consultation, procedural complaints and transparent mechanisms for accountability.
To have the ability of designing efficient programs and policies, it is essential for territorial, provincial and federal authorities to work in a collaborative and coordinating manner. Authorities in the federal, provincial and territorial units also require collaborating with authorities who are close to the requirement of population, such as authorities for municipal domain, providers for services and organizations from civil society.
Implementing a national strategy to reduce homelessness as per the standard provided by Canadian government.
Federal, provincial and territorial authorities should address inadequate housing as well as homelessness as an emergency of the nation (Murie, 2012). The state party needs to implement a strategy in the nation for homelessness reduction that is inclusive of measured goals and consultations, procedural complaints and transparent mechanisms with regard to the standards of Covenant.
The state party needs to take positive actions as needed under the 6th article for addressing this serious issue
Redefining the act for planning in Ontario. The act should be modified to recognize the appropriate housing as a consideration of interest provincially. Within this act, a new provincial policy statement needs to be issued which helps in directing the municipalities over planning the land use and decisions for development (Scanlon et al, 2015). This policy statement helps in articulating the interest provincially to ensure a complete housing range for meeting the present and future based community requirements.
