


薪酬專家為組織引入適當的薪酬計劃,在幫助組織實施其業務策略方面發揮著非常重要的作用。對薪酬專家的關註應以組織效率和人力資本管理趨同的方式進行(Ebert, 2010)。薪酬專家應該牢記的最重要的事情是對業務、公司的發展方向和組織的問題有清晰的認識。需要在企業和員工之間建立平衡(Chi和Gursoy, 2009)。如果整個工作都進行得很好,那麽薪酬就會形成一種獎勵、激勵和期望組織中每個人都有高水平表現的策略。如果找到了平衡,那麽公司就可以適當地使用補償來執行並達到預期的效果。

公司已經意識到,為了激勵員工努力實現困難的目標;公司需要分享實現目標的經濟收益。如果在工作和報酬之間有明確的界限,員工將會更加努力地工作來實現目標(Zingheim and Schuster, 2007)。為了取得更大的成功,采用績效薪酬的最佳理念。當公司的市場份額和利潤上升時,公司可以很容易地向員工支付高額獎金和股票獎勵(Ebert, 2010)。如果獎金支付公平,並且有助於提高員工的績效,員工的行為和態度就會顯著改善(Fuehrer, 1994)。管理總薪酬的主要挑戰之一是了解薪酬體系如何增加價值,並創建一個更成功的組織(Zingheim和Schuster, 2007)。

Compensation professionals, who introduce appropriate compensation plans for an organization, play a very crucial role in helping an organization to put their business strategies into effect. The focus on the compensation experts should be in a way that the organizational effectiveness and human capital management converge'(Ebert, 2010). The most important things which should be in the minds of the compensation experts is about the clear understanding of the business, the direction in which the company is headed and the issues of the organization. There is a need to create balance between the business and employees (Chi and Gursoy, 2009). If the entire work is conducted properly then the compensation develops strategy in a way to reward, motivate and to expect the high levels of performances from everyone in the organization. If the balance is found then the company can properly use compensations to execute and achieve desired results.
It has been realized by the companies that in order to motivate employees they work in the achievement of difficult goals; the company needs to share the economic gains of the achieved target. Employees of the company will work harder to achieve the goal if there is clear line of sight between the works and reward (Zingheim and Schuster, 2007). For more success, the best concept of adoption is performance-based pay works. When the market share and profits of the company is rising then company can easily pay high bonuses and stock awards to their employees (Ebert, 2010). Behaviour and the attitude of the employees keep improving significantly if bonuses are paid fairly and it helps in improving the performances of the employees (Fuehrer, 1994). One of the major challenges in managing total compensation is to understand how the pay system can add value and create a more successful organization (Zingheim and Schuster, 2007).


在單個組織中,職位或技能水平之間的比較稱為內部對齊。員工的技能和工作是通過他們對組織目標的貢獻來進行比較的。內部協調的重點應該放在為員工支付相同工作量的工資,以及關註不同工作的員工。經理的主要問題是他如何確定那些做不同工作的員工的工資(Ebert, 2010)。

員工的工資水平會影響他的決策,使他通過培訓自己變得更加靈活。此外,它還定義了更大的責任,以及他是否想留在公司。組織保留有生產力和有才能的雇員的方法不應列入薪酬制度(Fuehrer, 1994)。薪酬不足會導致員工流失。員工需要得到平等的對待,因為在任何時候,當他們覺得自己處於不平等狀態時,他們可能會考慮離開公司,可能不會全身心地投入和努力工作(Wei, Frankwick and Nguyen, 2012)。管理的主要目的是結束不被平等對待的感覺。工作評價過程是為了使工作之間的性別平等,這有助於建立一個系統的關系,為一個組織的工作的工資表(Fuehrer, 1994)。有幾個因素,當需要比較工作時應該考慮。這包括,完成工作所需的努力,完成工作所需的技能,工作的工作條件和工作人員的責任(Lakhal和Pasin, 2008)。在薪酬體系的發展過程中,對員工進行工作評價,保證員工的公平,有利於工作之間的內部一致性。內部一致性包括組織設計、薪酬結構和工作之間的關系。設計一個對員工公平的薪酬體系,支持員工朝著組織目標的工作流程和行為是非常重要的(Haider, Sadiq和Tesfamariam, 2014)。

Comparison between jobs or skill levels inside a single organization is known as internal alignment. Employee’s skills and jobs are compared in a manner of how they have contributed in the objectives of an organization. Internal alignment should focus on paying rates for employees doing equal amount of work, as well as focuses on the employees doing different work. The main issue for the manager is how he determines the pay for those employees doing different work (Ebert, 2010).
Pay scale of an employee influences his decision to become more flexible by training himself. In addition, it also defines greater responsibility and whether he wants to stay with the organization or not. Organizations method of retaining productive and talented employees should not be in the compensation system (Fuehrer, 1994). Inadequate compensation results in the employee turnover. Employees need to be treated equally because at any time they feel like there in inequality then they might think of leaving the organization and might not work with full dedication and hard work (Wei, Frankwick and Nguyen, 2012). The main objective of management is to finish the feeling of not being treated equally. Job evaluation process is used to make gender equity among jobs, which helps to build a systematic relation of the pay scale for jobs in an organization (Fuehrer, 1994). There are several factors, which should be considered when there is a need for comparing job. This includes, the efforts needed to perform the job, the skills needed to complete the job, the working conditions of the job and the responsibilities of the jobholder (Lakhal and Pasin, 2008). For the development of a system of compensation, job evaluation is performed which ensures that the employee will be fair, and it helps the internal consistency among the jobs. Internal consistency includes relationship between the design of the organization, the pay structure and the work. It is important to design a pay system in such a way that is fair to employees, supports the workflow and the behaviour of employee toward the objectives of organization (Haider, Sadiq and Tesfamariam, 2014).