swot analysis 代写:酒店招聘选拔培训

swot analysis 代写:酒店招聘选拔培训

招聘、选拔和培训将影响服务质量。因此,建议酒店从一开始就着手提高服务质量(通过招聘流程)。一项关于澳大利亚酒店企业使用高效招聘和培训的研究表明,如果员工的招聘基于管理层和员工之间更加透明和开放的沟通,那么员工的敬业度是高效的(Cairncross, Wilde, & Hutchinson, 2008)。此外,在招聘初期为员工提供的入职培训进一步确保了员工和管理层处于同一波长(Sahney et al, 2004)。广泛提供的服务培训确保员工了解他们工作场所的标准化规则(Robinson, 1999)。酒店管理层应确保他们遵循非常透明和公开的招聘政策。他们应该事先告知对员工的期望,并进行培训。但是,管理部门也将受到警告,这种征聘和培训只会有助于解决一些服务差距。对于所有其他服务缺口,建议管理层使用SERVQUAL维度。

Recruitment selection and training will impact on service quality. It is hence recommended to the hotel that they work on service quality from the very inception of their workgroups (which is through their recruitment processes). A study conducted on the use of efficient recruitment and training in the hospitality firms of Australia showed that where employees are recruited based on more transparent and open communication between the management and the employees, the employee engagement was efficient (Cairncross, Wilde, & Hutchinson, 2008). Also induction trainings that were provided to the employees in the very early stage of recruitment further more ensured that the employees and management were in the same wavelength (Sahney et al, 2004). Service training that was provided extensively ensured that the employees were aware of the standardized rules in their workplace (Robinson, 1999). The Hotel management should ensure they follow a very transparent and open recruitment policy. They should inform beforehand their expectations with respect to the employee and should also conduct trainings. However, the management will also be warned that this recruitment and training will only help solve some service gaps. For all other service gaps the management is recommended to use the SERVQUAL dimensions.

swot analysis 代写:酒店招聘选拔培训

发展良好的服务文化需要时间。为了发展酒店的服务文化,建议管理层以顾客为中心的方式培训员工。在所有日常职责和工作职责中,管理层应确保客户处于中心地位(Reynoso和Moore, 1995)。管理部门在工作场所建立服务文化的一些方法是:1)寻求客户的积极反馈。管理部门应该有一个反馈系统,在这个系统中,员工积极参与与客户接触,收集他们的反馈(Luk等,2002;林斯和布鲁克斯,1998)。这将使管理层更加意识到客户服务质量问题。管理层可以据此提供建议和培训员工。2)服务文化的改善首先要建立工作文化的一致性和可靠性。酒店的每个团队和业务单位都应该有一致的生产工作单。仅仅培训和准备好一线员工是不够的。在前线和最高管理层之间的所有其他层次的员工在工作中都应该保持一致和可靠。3)激励策略必须在工作场所使用,以授权和激励员工在他们的工作中包含一个更以客户为中心的焦点(Luk等,2002)。

Development of a good service culture will take time. For the service culture to be developed in the Hotel, the management is recommended to train their employees in a customer centric approach. In all regular duties and work responsibilities, the management should ensure that the customer is given centre stage (Reynoso, and Moore, 1995). Some ways the management could establish a service culture in the workplace is by: 1) Seeking active feedback from customers. The management should have a feedback system where employees taken an active part in engaging with customers to collect their feedback (Luk et al, 2002; Lings and Brooks, 1998). This will make the management more aware of the customer service quality issue. The management could accordingly advise and train employees. 2) The improvement of service culture would start by establishing consistency and reliability in work culture. Every team and business units of the Hotel should have consistent productive work orders. It is not enough to train and have the frontline employees ready. All other layers of employees between the frontline and the top management should be consistent and reliable in their work. 3) Motivational strategies must be used in the workplace to both empower and motivate the employees towards including a more customer centric focus in their work (Luk et al, 2002).
