


渔业是世界范围内的一项主要业务,水产养殖占全球动物食品消费的43%左右(Bostock et al., 2010)。与建筑业相比,渔业经济一体化更为困难,因为大多数渔业活动都是以一种不负责任的方式进行的,而不是在公司帐户下进行的。它不断发生在环境资源的使用上,并没有计入企业的管理任务。此外,捕鱼技术的使用较少,因为大部分发生在下层社区和那些以捕鱼为生的小村庄(Sumaila, Bellmann和Tipping, 2014)。这些问题使得整合行业挑战,进一步消除问题和风险的任务更加艰巨。由于鱼类质量不断恶化,使用传统捕鱼方法和大量地下捕鱼和出口已成为许多经济体所关切的问题。此外,环境污染正在损害捕鱼的质量,以及它如何影响整个系统,包括将其纳入有关法律。美国和欧洲的捕鱼业曾大幅增长,但自2000年以来,主要由于各种监管限制,捕鱼业一直停滞不前。Tacon和Metian(2009)指出,随着全球人口的增长,以及对鱼类食品、石油和药物的需求,一些地区出现了大量的过度捕捞,这导致了反对此类灾难的环保人士的强烈反对。渔业、水产养殖和农业的一体化具有重要的重要性,因为它将增强和促进相互关联的生态和社会系统的恢复力、可持续发展和公平性。一体化的关键问题是缺乏一体化的目的,内部和外部竞争,鱼产品、价格和质量方面的差异一直是生产者生存的主要动力。因此,如果消除竞争并使质量标准化,就可能导致鱼类产品生产者和渔业公司之间存在的伦理问题。


Fishing is a large industry worldwide, but due to lack of standardised quality, disparities in pricing and extraction methods, and legal and policy impositions from the government and environmentalists are keeping it from being integrated globally and become a large sustainable heavy industry.
Fishing is a major business worldwide and aquaculture contributed about 43% of the global consumption of animal food (Bostock et al., 2010). The integration of economies in the fishing industry is more difficult compared to construction because most fishing activities takes place in an unaccountable manner which is not taken under company accounts. It keeps happening with the use of environmental resources and is not accounted for under the companies’ managing tasks. In addition, the technology usage is less in fishing as most of it happens among lower class communities and those who are living on fishing as their livelihood in small villages (Sumaila, Bellmann and Tipping, 2014). These issues make it more daunting a task for integrating the challenges of the industry for further removal of issues and risks. The use of traditional fishing methods and lot of underground fishing and exporting has been a concern for many economies for the deteriorating quality of fishes. Besides, environment pollution is taking a toll on the quality of fishing and how it affects the system as a whole including bringing it under the relevant laws. The US and Europe had seen a substantial growth of fishing industry, but ever since 2000 it has been stagnant mainly due to regulatory restrictions of all kinds. Tacon and Metian (2009) state that the rising global population and the demand of fish as food, oil, and medicines has seen a lot of overfishing in some regions which has resulted into a backlash from environmentalists who have opposed such disaster. The integration of fisheries, aquaculture, and agriculture is an important essentiality as it will enhance and promote resilience, sustainable development, and equity of interlinked ecological and social systems. The key issues of integration is the lack of a purpose of integration, internal and external competition, and disparities in fish products, pricing, and quality has been the main survival motivation for the producers. Thus, if competition is removed and quality is standardised it may result in ethical issues of disparities among fish products producers and fishing companies.
