

对于给定的管理问题有几种选择。最合适的是层次分析法(AHP)。由于这个决定允许更多的选项为一个单一的要求,并创建一个偏好结构的基础上比较。为了知道在租赁的基础上应该有多少汽车,我们应该考虑优先权的层次结构。像有多少机会,有一个以上的客户一天,有多少可用于特殊活动,运输服务,提供多少天的汽车。此外,还有许多其他现实生活中的问题,它变得重要,使用决策技术的层次分析法。它被用于测量研究工作;吞噬传统问卷调查方法的不足。在最近的过去,这种技术被用于各种应用。fogliatto和阿尔宾用它定量感觉面板的层次,不同的货物重量不同的复合方法。(Fogliatto;阿尔宾,2003)。Weiwu和俊在计算和制定公路运输的理解用这种技术。(Weiwu;君1994)。Al Harbi运用层次分析法在项目管理学科中找到最佳的承包商;选择基于经验参数的人力、技术、设备。(哈尔比2001)等。该技术的另一个主要应用层次分析法进行疯狂等人在朝鲜半岛规划战斗舰。(M.疯狂2002)。层次分析法决策技术也被用在足球比赛中,这是由corredoira;涵盖了游戏规则。(P;corredoira 2002)。


There are several options available for the given managerial problem. The most suitable one is analytical hierarchy process (AHP). As this decision allows more options for a single requirement and creates a preference structure based on comparison. In order to know that how many should cars should be available on the rental basis; a hierarchy of preference is to be considered. Like how many chances are there to have more than one customer a day, how many are available for special events, transportation services, number of days to which car is provided. Etc. Besides, there are many other real life problems in which it becomes important to use the decision technique of analytical hierarchy process. It is being used in surveying the research works; engulfing the shortage of traditional questionnaire techniques. In the recent past, this technique is used in various applications. Fogliatto and Albin used it in the hierarchy of quantitative sensory panel, weighing different composite measure for different goods. (Fogliatto; Albin 2003). Weiwu and Jun used this technique in calculating and formulating the comprehension for highway transportation. (Weiwu; Jun 1994). Al Harbi applied AHP method in the discipline of project management to find out the best contractor available; selection based on the parameters of experience, man power, technique, equipment. Etc. (Al Harbi 2001). Another main application of this AHP technique is carried out by Crary et al for planning combat ship in Korean peninsula. (M. Crary 2002). AHP decision making technique is also being used in the game of soccer, which is introduced by Corredoira; covers rules of the game. (Partovi; Corredoira 2002).
As the probability of no of customer per day is given, it is very important for the car agency manager to maintain a good standard in the market by accessing the response of the customers. Whether the customers show their interest to rent a car or what type of quality they want to see in the car. The car’s company plays a vital role too. If a company is allowing their Platinum customers to rent luxurious cars like BMW, Mercedes; their value will surely be increased. Besides that, company can offer cars like Toyota, Ford, and Lexus to the customers in the other packages that cost comparatively low. In this way the company will have more customers on daily basis. Rental duration is also a point of concern for the car company manager. Having the squad of luxurious car would not allow any company to permit more days on rental basis. However, the company can allow four days rent for class B and 2 days rent for class A.
