




Meat hypothesis claims that increased intake of meat into the hominid diet allowed for improved nutrition and that the extra protein and amino acids were critical in the growth of the brain and the shrinking of guts and facial muscles.
Dietary protein’s quality may be measured in many ways as FAD/WHO 1991 requirements. But mostly it is a ratio of amino acids available in the food or diet as compared to human basic needs. A scale of S.I system is used as a percentage of ratios in the nomenclature. Therefore, a ratio of 100 per cent or 1.0 signifies that amino acids present in dietary proteins have exist in the same amount or a little more than the necessary amino acids present in the body is only half of what is needed. If anyone mandatory amino acid is not present, a situation that can take place experimentally with the isolated proteins as any food, not even considering the whole diet, is made up of a combination of many proteins; the quality of protein would be zilch (Pollan, 2008).
Meat products are a rich source of minerals and vitamins. They contain B-complex vitamins comprising of riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, vitamins B12 and B6, folacin, biotin, and pantothenic acid. Folacin and Pantothenic Acid are found in liver and are good for human liver. Certain other organs are also rich in vitamin A and also give huge amounts of vitamin K, D, and E. mean is also a source of minerals such as copper, zinc, iron, and manganese which paly an essential role in avoidance of deficiency of zinc which is quite widespread (Martin, 2005).