

我为这篇论文选择的作品确实很壮观,我相信我选择的作品有着深刻的含义。我选择的作品有:John Wollaston的Elizabeth North Plumstead和Robert Feke的Charles Apthorp夫人。这些画放在德·杨纪念馆,他们已经吸引了很多年的观众,他们现在还在继续这样做。我选择这两幅作品的原因是它们都涉及到最高的艺术技巧,画家无疑都在努力发挥他们的想像力。这些画有非常精细的细节,可以通过查看所使用的图层和颜色来轻松判断这些画的高质量。艺术家们巧妙地操纵了这些图像,以取得最好的效果,并且给这些绘画生命的细节和特征。除此之外,这两幅作品都很好地展现了两个女人的面部表情,而细节再一次增强了面部,敷料,表情等几乎所有的一切。而且,这些画有很大的差异,同时还有几个相似之处。就像这两幅画都描绘了两位当时的贵族女性,以及他们如何度过他们的生活,在画面中的姿势和面部表情。姿态表示他们的优雅和尊严,而他们的笑容表明他们相当满意。
然后我们有我们的第二位艺术家约翰·沃拉斯顿(John Wollaston),他画的是伊丽莎白·北·普拉姆斯泰德(Elizabeth North Plumstead)(后来的威廉·艾略特夫人)的着名而受人喜爱的肖像。沃拉斯顿是美国的画家,他的作品在美国的殖民时期就可以看到。事实上,相信沃拉斯顿是留在美国的少数洛可可风格的画家之一,他的作品以此而闻名于世。约翰·沃拉斯顿(John Wollaston)的工作在英国殖民时期最为突出。


The artworks I chose for this paper are truly spectacular and I believe that the paintings that I have selected have deep meanings. The paintings I chose were 1) Elizabeth North Plumstead by John Wollaston and 2) Mrs. Charles Apthorp by Robert Feke. These paintings are placed in the de Young Memorial Museum and they have been attracting viewers for many years and they continue to do so even now. The reason I selected these two paintings was that they both involve supreme artistic skills and the painters have undoubtedly put in all their efforts to bring out their imaginations. The paintings have very fine details and one can easily judge the great quality of these paintings by taking a look at the layers and the colors used. The artists have very cleverly manipulated the images to bring out the best results and they have given these paintings life like details and features. Besides this, both the paintings have a very representation of the facial expression of both women and once again the detailing has enhanced the look of the face, the dressing, the expressions, etc i.e. almost everything. Moreover, the paintings have great differences and at the same time several similarities. Like the both paintings depict two noble women of their time and how they spent their lives, their posture in the paintings and their facial expressions. The posture shows depicts their grace and dignity whereas their smile shows that they are quite satisfied.
A Brief History of our Artists
John Wollaston
Then we have our second artist, John Wollaston who painted the famous and beloved portrait of Elizabeth North Plumstead (later Mrs. William Eliot). Wollaston was an American painter whose work can be seen during the colonial period in the America. As a matter of fact, it is believed that Wollaston was one of the few Rococo style painters left in the US and his work is quiet famous for this. John Wollaston’s work was most prominent during the British Colonization periods.
