


该公司在中国销售像Swisse、Blackmores等保健产品。该公司的门店在中国销售一些常见的保健品,其目的是增加销售收入。基本的购买直接来自制造商和销售进入中国市场。与超市药房相比,该公司以更低的价格销售其产品,这是该公司的主要优势。根据市场需求(Burrow和Kleindl, 2012),该公司在中国经营仓库,以分销其产品。该公司还与中国当地的物流公司建立了合作关系,为其在不同地区提供产品。公司通过不同的运输方式(如公共汽车、火车和货车)购买和供应产品。然而,该公司的所有者并不关心可持续发展,可持续发展被认为是一个组织成长最重要的方面之一。中国政府和人民希望从澳大利亚获得“清洁和绿色”的卫生保健产品,因为在过去的几年里,中国制造商没有把重点放在产品质量上。

在向中国供应产品之前,公司必须注重产品的质量。应形成研究和发展,以确定和分析卫生产品的质量。然而,这两种维生素品牌在市场上已经建立起了自己的声誉,并在中国市场上表现出了非凡的增长。公司的年度报告应包括财务报告、可持续性报告、管理报告和业务流程报告等公司的所有细节(Subba Rao, 2010)。公司的利益相关者将能够在特定的时间内确定和评估业务活动和财务业绩。供应商、投资者、债权人和客户将能够评估公司的财务状况。


The company sells health products like Swisse, Blackmores, etc. in China. The stores of the company are in China selling some of the common health care products, and the aim is to increase its sales revenue. The basic purchases are directly from the manufacturers and selling into the Chinese market. The company sells its products at a cheaper rate in comparison to supermarket pharmacies which is the major advantage for the company. The company operates warehouses in China for distributing its products as per the demand in the market (Burrow and Kleindl, 2012). The company has also established a relationship with local logistic companies in China for supplying its products in different regions. The company purchases and supplies its products through a different mode of transportation such as bus, train and van. However, the owner of the company does not care much about sustainable development which is considered as one of the most important aspects of the growth of an organization. The government and people of China want “clean and green” health care products from Australia as because over past years the Chinese manufacturers are not focusing on their quality of products.

The company has to focus on the quality of products before supplying it to China. The research and development should be formed to determine and analyse the quality of health products. However, the two vitamin brands Swisse and Blackmores have built its reputation in the market and show extraordinary growth in the Chinese market. The annual report of the company should include all the details of the company such as financial report, sustainability report, management report and business process report (Subba Rao, 2010). The stakeholders of the company will be able to determine and evaluate the business activities and financial performance during a specific period of time. The suppliers, investors, creditors and customers would be able to estimate the financial health of the company.