


现在有这么多的用户,互联网统计和记录似乎表明,约60%的人口仍然没有适当的互联网接入(互联网实时统计,2017a)。所提出的问题是关于可访问性。可访问性是这里的一个主要问题,因为个人和组织由于可访问性问题而阻碍了与internet的连接。据估计,约有40亿人无法使用互联网,正因如此,他们失去了从互联网获得的许多好处(internet Live Stats, 2017a),他们似乎在连接、金融服务、医疗信息访问等方面受到了影响。全球近四分之三的互联网被20个国家占据,英国就是其中之一。因此,对互联网可达性的决定因素的理解将使每个人都能负担得起互联网。

“普及、可负担得起的互联网接入是联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)的一部分,政府、企业、地方和国际组织以及公民社会成员正在努力让更多人上网。然而,正如世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)的一份新报告所解释的那样,这个问题是大的、复杂的、多方面的。


The internet environment is basically a logical collection of networks with gateways, routers, bridges and more. The complexes layers that come together are fully functional units that are used for communication with specific protocols and processes. The client server network form of internet use is often cited as the single most usable form of networking, and most countries map unto complex structures of internetworking. It is identified that around 40 percent of the total world population uses an internet connection, although it is of different speed forms. It is assessed in a past estimate made in the year 1995 that less than 1 percent of users used the internet. The numbers in accessibility hence have increased to around ten percent within the last few years alone from 1999 to 2013.

Now with these many users, internet statistics and records seem to indicate that around 60 percent of the population is still without proper internet access (Internet Live Stats, 2017a). The concerns raised are with respect to accessibility. Accessibility is a prime issue here, as individuals and organizations connection to the internet is hindered because of issues of accessibility. It is estimated that around 4 billion people do not have access to the internet and because of this are missing out on many benefits from the internet (Internet Live Stats, 2017a) They seem to suffer in terms of connectivity, financial services, health information access and more. Almost three quarters of the world’s internet are occupied by 20 countries and the United Kingdom is one of them (Internet Live Stats, 2017a). An understanding of the determinants for internet accessibility will hence make internet affordable for everybody.

“Universal, affordable internet access is part of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and governments, companies, local and international organizations, and members of civil society are working to get more people online. However, as a new report from the World Economic Forum explains, the problem is big, complex and multidimensional”.
