






Noam Chomsky is very uncritical about language acquisition and does not hesitate in comparing it with the acquired act of walking. Language is something that needs to be taught when a child starts to learn the different communication advances by its parents. Chomsky is liberal about the acquisition of language just as a carefree researcher is liberal about the events that he considers irrelevant. As per Chomsky, one learns language naturally just as one would eventually learn to walk without any efforts of actually instilling the learning requirement of the act of walking (Chomsky, 1994).


This indicates that language will also be automatically learned by default with growth, just as one would learn to walk without teaching. However, if it is so, then there is a question raised about the different languages learned by a child while they all walk in the same way. This raises a big doubt on Chomsky’s theory of language acquisition. If a child walks the same everywhere, then as per Chomsky, the child must also learn the same language or any other communication medium. The very providence that language must be taught and it is learned fully when taught, makes Chomsky’s proclamation weak in its authenticity.