

如果有平等的工作场所,对社会有很大的经济利益.。如果工人实行平等,雇员将有机会获得多样化和组织良好的劳动力.。作为一种工具来消除在社会和在工作中的歧视,国际劳工组织和国际劳工组织实践平等(埃里克和OHLS 2006)。此外,在劳动领域,他们也适用性别主流化的策略。


In areas of trainings and job, salaries and wages most women are at a disadvantage and based on their age, ethnicity, and disability they are constrained to a specific occupation irrespective of their skills and capabilities. In some developed nations today for instance, for performing the same work women employees are still paid less as compared to the male employees. Workers have the fundamental human right to free from discrimination under the Equal Employment Opportunity law. Moreover, without any bias they could choose their employment and have the capability to enhance their hidden potential to the full level. There are benefits to the workers from the policy of equality by means of equal wages, training and the total quality of the employees.
There are major financial benefits to the society at large if there is equality in the workplace. Employees would have access to a pool of diverse and well organized workforce if workers practice equality. As a tool to eliminate discrimination in the society and at work, ILO or the International Labor Organization practices equality (Erik and Ohls 2006). Moreover, in the field of labor they also apply strategies of gender mainstreaming.
In the workplace, because of ‘glass ceiling’ it is a struggle for the women to reach the top by climbing the corporate ladder. The artificial barriers based on the organizational or attitudinal bias which helps in the prevention of qualified individuals to advance to the position which offers power, more responsibility, authority and more salary is known as the theory of ‘glass ceiling’ (Eatzaz and Hafeez 2007). At every stage, it has been observed that women experience high degree of frustration because of the progression barriers albeit the promotional roles are in ability and sight. it is believed by many that the reason why glass ceiling barrier is exerted upon women in the workplace is because of attitude of the society, preconceived idea that managerial and workplace positions are all male based and also because of the prejudice towards women.
