

在节目的最新一集中,约翰·奥利弗用传统的幽默引起了公众对美国在大部分食物浪费中所处地位的关注。他总结了加拿大食物浪费的周期性问题,奥利佛在“决心吃更丑的食物或水果”方面对这个问题进行了精彩的类比。这是公民的道德和人道主义决定,因为它现在不仅是一个故事,告诉人们不吃的食物,它是关于养活数以百万计的饥饿的人(奎拉,阿曼达和迈克尔,2010)。人们感到惊讶的是,每年浪费掉的食物总量可以填满730个体育场。但是,这是事实,是无可争议的。除此之外,一些其他的负面影响,如甲烷气体的产生和垃圾填埋场也对环境产生了严重的负面影响。当一个人看到许多杂货店的食品积压,种植者不得不扔掉大部分水果和蔬菜,而这些水果和蔬菜对于真正需要的人来说是完全可行的,那么问题就很清楚了。这个问题不是一个更小的问题,当然也不是一个地方的问题(Times & Los,2016)。它已经发生在世界的每个角落,人们只是被困在消费主义的网络。加拿大政府采取的立法措施令人极为失望,因为政府一直回避关键的事实。包装上的保质期与食品安全无关,而是食品生产商的一种方法,他们想让零售商知道,什么时候食品会保持新鲜,以及最好的质量(Buzby, Jean & Jeffrey, 2012)。因此,食品零售商应该利用它作为杠杆,帮助那些真正需要积压的食品供应。普通人可以为环境问题做出很大的贡献,只要不浪费食品这一小步,把它给那些每天挣扎着吃东西的饥饿的人,这样他们就可以活到另一天。这确实是一个非常可悲的现实。


With the latest episode in his show, John Oliver drew attention of the public with conventional humour towards America’s standing in major part of food wasting. He summarized the problematic issue of cyclical style of food wastes in Canada and the analogy of this issue was brilliantly portrayed by Oliver in terms of- resolving to eat uglier food or fruit. It is an ethical as well as humanitarian decision of the citizens as it is now not only the story that tells the food stuffs that people don’t eat, it is about feeding millions and billions of people who are starving(Cuéllar, Amanda & Michael,2010). People got surprised by the fact that each year an all total of food that could fill up approximately 730 stadiums get wasted. But, it is a fact and it is undisputed. Apart from this, certain other negative impacts, like- creation of methane gas and waste landfills also have serious negative impacts on the environment. The issue is very clear when one witnesses that many grocery stores get overstocked with foodstuffs for which the growers have to throw away a major portion of fruits and vegetables that are perfectly viable for someone who really needs it. The issue is not a smaller one and it is certainly not about a single locality (Times & Los,2016). It has been going on at every nook and corner of the world and people are just getting stuck with the web of consumerism. The legislative approaches taken by the Canadian government have been immensely disappointing as the government has been sidestepping the crucial facts. The sell-by dates on the packaging are not about food safety, it is an approach of the food producers who want to make the retailers aware that to what time the food will stay fresh as well as in best quality (Buzby, Jean & Jeffrey, 2012). So, the food retailers should use it as leverage and help those who are in real need of the overstocked food supplies. Common people can contribute a lot towards the environmental issue also with this small step of not wasting food products and give it to the hungry individuals who struggle every day to eat so that they could live to see another day. It is indeed a very sad reality.
