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Numerous kinds of micro-investments are made through the internet and this is particular type of funding which is known as crowd funding. It has been seen that crowd funding has turned out to be fruitful in many countries and for many different kinds of films. For example, Iron Sky, a Nazi science fictional movie, which was a parody, and a budget of around € 7.6 million, was required to make this movie. The film collected revenue of around € 6.3 million through the traditional funding method. The rest of the €756,743 was actually collected through crowd funding, through the online fan donations.


The sum gathered for this particular case is not enough for an independent production. The growth and the popularity of the internet could easily encourage the independent moviemakers. They could use crowd funding for making independent movies . An important tool would provide support to the movies and would help the independent moviemakers to come up with new and creative idea. This would even enrich the film making industry .