

随着时间的推移,凝视的基本概念成为解释电影在人际关系,性别认同和性别方面的重要工具。 研究电影如何控制图像具有特定的意义。 因此,凝视的方式揭示了社会建构下对性变化的解释。 在性不平衡的时代,注视的快感分布在被动女性和活跃的男性中。 男性凝视的确定倾向于将其幻想投射到女性的形式上,其造型相应地完成。 在传统的展示主义角色中,女性被同时凝视和展示。 它们的外观具有特定的编码,可以产生强烈的色情和视觉冲击,因此它们非常令人愉悦。


女性摄影师以伪装,扭曲和离开点的形式认识到女权主义的概念,以恢复自我写照的传统,反映了自己身体的转变,宣称作为公众的任何身份,她们的女性气质可以被理解为具体伪装。在不断变化和矛盾的面具游戏背后总是隐藏着自我。 Cindy Sherman的主要目的是专注于保留其作品的模糊性,同时附上与电影相关的关键方面。在女权主义理论家的当前时代,正在更大规模地讨论对应女性凝视的机会。正如谢尔曼的作品所清楚地表明的那样,女性凝视的主要功能是从父权制的角度自相矛盾地揭露传统形象的曲目。


With time, the fundamental notion of gaze turns out to be an important tool to interpret films with respect to human relations, sexual identity and gender . There is specific significance of studying how films tend to be controlling image. As a consequence, the ways of gazing reveal an interpretation of sexual variations under social establishment. In an era under the order of sexual imbalance, pleasure in gazing has been distributed among passive females and active males. The determination of male gaze tends to be projecting its phantasy over the form of female, the styling of which is done accordingly. In their traditional role of an exhibitionist, women are gazed upon and displayed simultaneously. There is specific coding of their appearance for a strong erotic and visual impact so that they are pleasurable.


Female photographers recognized the concept of feminism in the form of a disguise, distortion and departure point to restore the tradition of self-portrayal reflected the transformation of own bodies for proclaiming that as any identity of the public, their femininity can be understood with respect to specific disguises (Chatterji, 2012). There is always concealing of self behind an ever- changing and ambivalent play of masks. The key purpose of Cindy Sherman was focused on preserving the ambiguous nature of her work while enclosing key aspects related to a film. In the current era with theorists of feminism, the chance to correspond female gaze is being discussed at a larger scale. As clearly demonstrated by the works of Sherman, the primary function to be performed by female gaze is paradoxically exposing the repertoire of traditional image by the perspective of patriarchy.
The public arena for patriarchy affects those structures of story film. Because of this reason, those lady can be generally objectified for gazing not bearing as the general presence need magic reliance upon the idea from claiming mutilation . Mutilation will be alluded concerning illustration physically characterizing ladies because of the absence of penis for them. Delight is generated all the particularly for those representational of mental wishes over those liable about guys that is influenced eventually Tom’s perusing the idea of scopophilia. This incorporates those purpose that picture is objectified at visual delight. In the same sense, somebody is subjected with one’s sexual incitement as to what they look at.


