




The quantitative and qualitative data has been collected for research method. The qualitative research method gives or states some open question to the apprentices to answer. This method can help us in finding what can be done when these issues comes forward. But data collection is very difficult at this stage. Thus it is not the preferred method. The quantitative data collection is easier. It helps in finding out the overall research target area. This method is easy because questionnaires are easy to prepare and ask from the people. The communication is convenient with the respondents and face to face discussions helps in gaining more efficient data. The insomnia, sleep, gender, psychiatric disorder is the responsible factors for mental illness.
The questionnaire is designed in the following way that has few questions, 4 parts and thirteen queries.
Example 1: What should I do if I feel distressed at any stage?
Example 2:- How many times do you feel unhappy or sad in a month?
Example 2:- What do you think that the best way to deal with mental health issues? (E.g. Doing sports)
It is a method of talking and sharing with the respondents to know about the genuine reasons and causes and it will help in treatment in better way. The example has been taken from 2 different countries to understand better the curing of mental illness. According to this survey, the mental health issue comes as barriers in the success pathway among students.
There are 30 respondents or participants from NTIC who helped in collecting data from Asia and Europe. We have taken both the gender. There are 20 males and 10 females from the age group of 14-18 and 19-23 and In excess of 23 are in another group. The purpose of this research is to know the status of student’s lives. This will help in giving better understanding of their lifestyle like how much cigarette do they light in a day or are they regular in drinking or lead a simple life.